Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - tácnung
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- tácnung
- f. Signification :-- Tácnunga significationem, Ps. Spl. 59. 4. I. an indication, sign, characteristic mark, symptom :-- Lǽcedómas and tácnung on ðam roppe (cf. be tácnum on ðam roppe, 230, 16), Lchdm. ii. 164, 5. Be lyfte tácnungum de aeris indiciis, Nar. 3, 14. Hit nú is búton swylcum tácnungum ðæs yfeles ðe hit ǽr dyde Aetna nunc tantum innoxia specie ad praeteritorum fidem fumat, Ors. 2, 6; Swt. 90, 3. II. an indication, evidence, proof :-- Wæs ðæs godcundan wundres sweotol tacnung (indicium), ðæt ðære fǽmnan líchoma bebyriged brosnian ne mihte, Bd. 4, 19; S. 587, 35. Ða hé mé in tácnunge his lufan bebeád quos mihi in indicium suae dilectionis commendaverat, 2, 6; S. 508, 18. Gewuniaþ tó tácnuncge his mægenes gelómlíce wundor hǽlo geworden beón ad indicium virtutis illius solent crebra sanitatum miracula operari, 4, 3; S. 570, 9. III. an indication of what is future, a presage, prognostic :-- Is seó stów nemned Heofenfeld wæs heó geára swá nemned for tácnunge ðæra tóweardra wundra vocatur locus ille Heofenfelth, quod certo utique praesagio futurorum antiquitus nomen accepit, Bd. 3, 2; S. 524, 34. Tó hwæm cumaþ hí elles bútan tó tácnunge sorges and ánfealdes sáres quid est aliud, quam futurae quoddam calamitatis indicium? Bt. 7, 2; Fox 18, 21. IV. a figurative representation, an emblem :-- Hwæt syndon ða woruldsǽlþa óþres búton deáþes tácnung? for ðam se deáþ ne cymþ tó nánum óþrum þingum bútan ðæt hé ðæt líf áfyrre; swá eác ða woruldsǽlþa cumaþ tó ðam móde tó ðam ðæt hí hit beniman ðæs ðe him leófast biþ ðisse worulde, Bt. 8; Fox 26, 6. V. direction, ordering :-- Ðás feówer heáfodrícu sindon on feówer endum ðyses middangeardes mid unásecgendlícre Godes tácnunge eadem ineffabili ordinatione per quatuor mundi cardines quatuor regnorum principatus fuerunt, Ors. 2, 1; Swt. 60, 1. [Þa wes he awundred, what weore þis tacninge (portent), Laym. 15974. He tolde heom þa tacni[n]ge (prophetic notice givens in a dream), 32126. Sette he up ðat ston for muniging And get on olige for tokning (sign; cf. Iacob lapidem erexit in titulum, fundens oleum desuper, Gen. 28, 18), Gen. and Ex. 1624. Ich wat al of þe tacninge (signification), O. and N. 1213. O. H. Ger. zeihhanunga significatio, descriptio.]