Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - tǽcan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- tǽcan
- p. tǽhte To shew. I. to offer to view, present :-- Tǽhte hé ðá ðam pápan sumne munuc ðæs nama wæs Andreas cum monachum quemdam, nomine Andream, pontifici offerret, Bd. 4, 1; S. 564, 4. Se ðe hæfþ .xx. hída, se sceal tǽcan .xii. hída gesettes londes, ðonne hé faran wille. Se ðe hæfþ .x. hída, se sceal tǽcan, .vi. hída ... Se ðe hæbbe þreó hída tǽce óðres healfes, L. In. 64-66; Th. i. 144, 5-11 MS. B. II. to shew an object to a person so that the object may be attained by the person, to shew a way, a place, etc. (1) lit. :-- Ic tǽce sumum men his weg dirigo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Zup. 173, 8. Tǽceþ ús se torhta trumlícne hám, Cd. Th. 282, 29; Sat. 294. Him mon setl tǽhte and hé sæt æt ðam symble he was shewn a seat, and sat at the feast, Bd. 3, 10; S. 534, 28: 5, 19; S. 639, 35. Him freá tǽhte wegas ofer wésten, Cd. Th. 174, 5; Gen. 2873. Gewát him tó ðæs gemearces ðe him Metod tǽhte, 174, 29; Gen. 2885. Ðæs embe twá niht ðætte tǽhte God Elenan eádigre æþelust beáma, Menol. Fox 164; Men. 84: Elen. Kmbl. 1259; El. 631. (1 a) without an object, to shew the way, direct :-- On niht hé tǽhte eów þurh fýr nocte ostendens vobis iter per ignem, Deut. 1, 33. (2) fig. :-- Hig bugon raðe of ðam wege ðe ðú him tǽhtest recesserunt cito de via, quam ostendisti eis, Ex. 32, 8. Ða men ðe bearn habban him tǽcean hié lífes weg and rihtne gang tó heofenum, Blickl. Homl. 109, 17. (2 a) without an object, to direct :-- Hwá tǽcþ ús teals and hwá sylþ ús ða gód ðe ús man gehǽt quis ostendit nobis bona? Ps. Th. 4, 7. III. to shew a person (dat. or acc.) the direction that must be taken, to direct, to cause a certain direction to be taken, the direction being marked, by a preposition. (1) lit. :-- On ðære stówe ðe him se stranga tó wordum tǽhte on the place to which the Lord had directed him to go (cf. 172, 24-; Gen. 2849-). Cd. Th. 175, 24; Gen. 2900. Nán man ne tǽce his getihtledan man fram him let no one send his accused man away, L. Ath. i. 22; Th. i. 210, 23: L. C. S. 28; Th. i. 392, 11. Tǽce him mon siððan tó nigcumenra manna húse, R. Ben. 97, 11. (2) fig. :-- Niman hí ðone teóðan dǽl tó ðam mynstre and tǽcan him tó ðam nigoðan dǽle and tódǽle man ða eahta dǽlas on twá let them take the tithe for the minster, let the next tenth fall to his share (let him be directed to take the next tenth), and let the remaining eight tenths be divided in two, L. Edg. 3; Th. i. 264, 2. Ðú, fæder Agustinus, hié hæfst on ðínum bócum gesǽd, and ic gehwam wille ðǽrtó tǽtan ðe hiene his, lyst má tó witanne I will refer every one to the books, who desires to know more, Ors. 3, 3; Swt. 102, 25. (2 a) where the dat. is omitted :-- Seó ealde ǽ næs swá stíð on ðám þingum swá swá Cristes godspel is and tǽcþ tó ánum wífe points to, directs a man to take, one wife, Scrd. 22, 25. IV. to shew the course that must be followed, what should be observed, to direct, appoint, prescribe, enjoin. constitues terminos populo in circuitum) and cwist: 'Warniaþ ðæt gé ne cumon tó néh ðison munte,' Ex. 19, 12. Symle ðú tǽhtest mildheortnesse, and ðæt man óðrum miltsode, Homl. Th. i. 68, 23. Crist tǽhte: 'Syllaþ óðrum bútan ceápe,' Homl. Th. i. 412, 12. Eft hé him tǽhte tó fultome ðæt hé him genáme áne íserne hearstepannan ei ad munitionem suam protinus subinfertus: 'Et tu sume tibi sartaginem ferream,' Past. 21; Swt. 161, 6. Hig didon hine on cweartern, óð hig wiste, hwæt Drihten be him tǽhte (quid juberet Dominus), Lev. 24, 12. Hé hine ǽlces þinges geclǽnsode, swá se pápa him tǽhte in the manner prescribed by the pope, Chr. 1022; Erl. 161, 38. Ðá tǽhte man hyre ðæt hió sciolde bringan his fæder gold the court directed that she was to bring his father's gold, Chart. Th. 289, 34. Ðæt hé him dǽdbóte tǽce ut sibi poenitentiam praescribat, L. Ecg. C. proem.; Th. ii. 130, 35. Ne sig nán ðing forlǽten ðæs ðe se regol tǽce on his fandunge, R. Ben. 104, 17. Béte hé swá micel swá déman tǽcan quantum arbitri judicaverint, Ex. 21, 22. Ðæt hý bétan swá swá béc tǽcan, Wulfst. 165, 9. V. to shew to the mind by way of instruction or of proof, to teach. (1) of persons :-- Se Hálga Gást ðe tǽhþ rihtwísnysse, Homl. Th. i. 322, 5. Ǽfre se ðe áwent oþþe se þe tǽcþ of Lédene on Englisc ǽfre hé sceal gefadian hit swá ðæt ðæt Englisc hæbbe his ágene wísan he that makes a translation from Latin into English, or he that in teaching turns Latin into English must use idiomatic English, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 4, 9. Ic ðé bebeóde ðæt ðú ne forgite ðæt ðæt ic ǽr tǽhte ... Ic ðé tǽhte ðætte ðǽr wǽre ðæt héhste gód maneant quae paullo ante conclusa sunt ... nonne monstravimus ea vera bona non esse, Bt. 34, 9; Fox 146, 13-19. Tǽc mé ðínne willan tó wyrcenne, 42; Fox 260, 11. Ic ðé mæg tǽcan óþer ðing, 38, 3; Fox 198, 29. Ða mæssepreóstas sceolan heora scriftbéc mid rihte tǽcan and lǽran. Ða láreówas sceolan synnfullum mannum eádmódlíce tǽcan and lǽran, ðæt hié heora synna cunnon onrihtlíce geandettan, Blickl. Homl. 43, 7-16. .xii. lahmenn scylon riht tǽcean Wealan and Ænglan ... Ðolien ealles ðæs hý ágon, gif hí wóh tǽcen, L. O. D. 5; Th. i. 354, 9-11. Gif hwylc gódra wile his lytlingas hiom tó láre befæstan, hig sceolon him éstlíce tǽcan, L. E. I. 20; Th. ii. 414, 10. Hé wile módum tǽcan, Cd. Th. 211, 17; Exod. 527. Hé wæs tǽcende dæghwomlíce binnan ðam temple, Homl. Th. i. 412, 29. (2) of things :-- Seó emniht is swá swá wé ǽr cwǽdon on .xxima UNCERTAIN. kl. April., swá swá ða geleáfullan rǽderas hit gesetton, and eác gewisse dægmǽl ús swá tǽcaþ, Lchdm. iii. 256, 22. VI. to shew, indicate, signify :-- Táhte significat, Jn. Skt. p. 8, 12: 21, 19: indicaret, Lk. Skt. p. 2, 14. Gif ðú hwæt be capitelhúse tǽcan wylle, Techm. ii. 122, 4: 118, 8, 17: 129, 3. v. be-, ge-, mis-tǽcan. tæcan