
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - teáfor

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


n. I. a pigment, material used for colouring, tiver (red ochre for marking sheep (Suffolk), pictura, reád teáfor minium, Wrt. Voc. i. 46, 74. Teáfor minium, 75, 20. Tfafrf ( = teáfre) minio, Germ. 400, 130. Meng swá ðú dést teáfor, Lchdm. ii. 56, 6. II. a material used in making a salve :-- Nim ladsar (benzoin) ðæt teáfur (gum) and galpani óþres healfes panige whit, and gníd hyt tógadere mid wlacan ecede; and nim ðanne ða sealfe and geót on ðæs seócys mannes eáre, iii. 88, 20. [In other dialects the word occurs with a meaning not easily connected with that of the English form. A somewhat similar connection, perhaps, is seen in the case of the different meanings of lybb, q.v. O. H. Ger. zoubar; n. fascinum, fascinatio, divinatio: Icel. taufr; n. sorcery. Cf. O. L. Ger. toufere veneficus. v. Grmm. D. M. 984.] v. tífran. teafor

Mots connexes: E. D. S. Pub. Old Farming Words, no. vi) :-- Métingc
