
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - þeáh

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

II 2. add :-- Wé niton þeáh gé wuníon hér on neáwiste, Jos. 9, 7. Þonne andwyrdan þá yrfenuman swá hé sylf sceolde, þeáh hé líf hæfde, Ll. Th. i. 416, 1. ¶ with negative clause :-- Nis þé genóh ꝥ þú sylf losast, þeáh þú uppan ꝥ óþre ne forspylle? Ne genihtsumað þé ꝥ þú sylf an ꝥ druncen beyrnst, þeáh þú þonne gýt óðre mid þé ne teó? non tibi sufficit quod ipse peris, nisi adhuc insuper et alios perdas? Non tibi sufficit quod ipse in illa ebrietate incurris, adhuc et alios tecum trahis?, Chrd. 74, 28-31. (a) where the hypothetical clause expresses something considerable, even if :-- Þeáh hí nú eall hiora líf and hiora dǽda áwriten hæfdon, Bt. 18, 3; F. 64, 36. (β) where the clause expresses something inconsiderable, if even, if only :-- Ðeáh se man nime ǽnne and lecge onfúl sloh though a man do no more than take a stone and lay it in a foul slough, Wlfst. 239, 9. Ðeáh úre heorda hwylc án sceáp forgýme, wé willað ꝥ hé hit forgylde, Ll. Th. ii. 326, 24. (2 a) add :-- Genóh wǽre þám wǽdlan his untrumnys, þeáh þe hé wiste hæfde; and eft him wǽre genóh his hafenleást, ðeáh ðe hé gesundful wiére, Hml. Th. i. 330, 15-17. Swá þéh þe him lytles hwæt uniéðe sié, Ors. 3, 9; S. 136, 18. þeah