
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - þunor

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

(-ar, -er, -ur), es;

m. I. thunder (implying not only sound but also striking); tonitrus, fulmen :-- Þunor tonitruum vel tonitrus, Wrt. Voc, i. 52, 45: 76, 34: Blickl. Homl. 91, 34. Ðuner (ðunor, Rush.), Jn. Skt. Lind. 12, 29. Ðunar byð hlúdast, Menol. Fox 467; Gn. C. 4. Ðunor cymð of hǽtan and of wǽtan ... seó hǽte and se wǽta winnaþ him betweónan mid egeslícum swége, and ðæt fýr ábyrst ús ðurh lígett ... Swá háttra sumor, swá mára ðunor and líget on geáre. Ða þuneras (þunras, MS. R.) ... on Apocalipsin ... ne belimpaþ tó ðam ðunere (þunre, MS. R.) ðe on ðyssere lyfte oft egeslíce brastlaþ. Se byp hlúd for ðære lyfte brádnysse, and frecenfull for ðæs fýres sceótungum, Lchdm. iii. 290, 2-15. Þunor tóslóg heora godes hús aedes Salutis ictu fulminis dissoluta est, Ors. 4, 2; Swt. 160, 18. Án þonor tóslóg hiora Capitoliam fulmine Capitolium ictum, 6, 14; Swt. 268, 29. Hiene ofslóg in þunor fulmine ictus interiit, 6, 29; Swt. 278, 17. Ðunres bearn filii tonitrui, Mk. Skt. 3, 17. Þunres slege a clap of thunder. Nicod. 23; Thw. 13, 3. Þunres slege fulgura, Ps. Spl. T. 96, 4. Stefne ðunures micles, Rtl. 47, 22. God ásende rén mid ðunore, and manega mean mid ðam ðunore swulton, Homl. Skt. i. 15, 93. Beóþ myccle þuneras on heofnum, Blickl. Homl. 93, 15. Ðá sceolde hé sendan ðunras and lýgetu, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 162, 13. II. one of the Teutonic gods, to whom, among the Roman, Jupiter seems to have been considered most nearly to correspond; hence Jupiter is translated by Þunor :-- Þunor oððe Ðúr Joppiter, Wrt. Voc. ii. 47, 33. Þunor, 93, 59. Þuner Jovem, 112, 5. II a. it is mostly in connection with the fifth day of the week that the word occurs :-- On ðam fíftan dæge ðe gé Ðunres hátaþ, Hontl. Th. ii. 242, 23. Ðunres-dæges nama is of Iove, Anglia viii. 321, 16. On ðone Hálgan Ðunres-dæg, L. Alf. 5; Th. i. 64, 24. Tó ðam hálgan Þurres-dæge, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 621. Gang on Þunres-ǽfen (Wednesday evening), Lchdm. ii. 346, 10. It is found also in local names, e.g. Ðunres-feld. Ðunres-leáh, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 342. [Þa Þunre heo ȝiuen þunres dæi (þoris dai, and MS.), Laym. 13929.] III. a thane of king Egbert of Kent :-- Ermenréd gestrýnde twégen sunu ða syððan wurðan gemartirode of Ðunore, Chr. 640; Erl. 26, 4. See for more details of the event thus recorded, Lchdm. iii. 422 sqq., and the Latin charter, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iO. L. Ger. Thuner :-- Ec forsacho Thuner ende Uuóden: O. Frs. thuner, tonger; Thunres-dei: O. H. Ger. donar; Toniris tac: Icel. Þórr. See Grmm. D. M. c. 8.] v. þór, þúr. þunor

Mots connexes: 236. [
