
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - þunor-rád

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


f. Thunder, a peal of thunder :-- Ne bip þǽr líget ... ne þunerrád (þunor, Wulfst. 139, 31) non fulmina, ... tonitru, Dóm. L. 16, 263. Ðá com þunerrád and légetsleht and ofslóh ðone mǽstan dǽl, Shrn. 57, 35. Ðá wæs geworden mycel þunorrád, Blickl. Hornl. 145, 29. Ðonne þunorrád biþ, ne sceþeð ðam men ðe ðone stán (agate) mid him hæfð, Lchdtn. ii. 296, 30: iii. 374, col. 2. From stefne ðunurráde (þunuráde, Spl.) a voce tonitrui, Ps. Surt. 103, 7: 76, 19. Þunur-ráda ðínre tonitrris tui, Ps. Spl. 76, 17. Hió áhóf ðæt heáfod of ðære mýsan somod mid ðære þunoráde, Lchdm. iii. 374, col. 2. Biddaþ Drihten, ðæt his þunorráda (tonitrua) geswícon, Ex. 9, 28, 33, 34. Gif lígette and ðunorráde (tonitrua) eorþan and lyfte brégdon, Bd. 4, 3; S. 569, 12. Þuneráda, Hpt. Gl. 509, 22. Ðunorráda hlynn, Wulfst. 186, 3. Mycel mægen liégetslyhta and þuneráda, Lchdm. iii. 374, col. 2. Gód wið lígetta and wið þunorráda, ii. 290, 16. Hé worhte þunorráda on heofonum intonuit de caelum Dominus, Ps. Th. 17, 13: Ex. 9, 23. [Cf. Icel. reið a clap of thunder, from the notion of Thor driving through the air. See Grmm. D. M. c. 8.] þunor-rad