
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - þweora

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


m. Crossness, peevishness :-- Ǽlc ðweora and ǽlc ierre and unweorðscipe ... sié ánumen fram eów omnis amaritudo, et ira, et indignatio ... tollatur a vobis (Eph. 4, 31), Past. 33; Swt. 222, 8. His múð hé sceal from ǽlcum þweoran (or adj.? debet os suum a malo vel pravo eloquio custodire, R. Ben. 18, 7. [Cf. Goth. þwairhei indignatio (in the verse just given): Icel. þver-leikr crossness.] v. þweorh, III. þweora

Mots connexes: L. E. I. 21; Th. ii. 416, 33) and yflum wordum gehealdan
