Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - þyrelian
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- þyrelian
- p. ode. I. to make a hole through, pierce through, perforate :-- Þirlie his hláford his eáre mid ánum ǽle dominus perforabit aurem ejus subula, Ex. 21, 6. Þirlige, LeII. to make hollow; fig. to make vain :-- Áídlie l þyrlie obunco (? obunco is glossed by ymbclipe, Wrt. Voc. i. 22, 31), Engl. Stud. xi. 66, 66. Þyrliaþ cavantur, evacuantur, hol cava, Wrt. Voc. ii. 129, 62. [He lette þurlen his scheld, A. R. 392, 24. To þurlin godes side wið speres ord, Jul. 41, 14. With a spere was thirled his brestboon, Ch. Kn. T. 1852. To hem þat his herte þirled, Piers P. i. 172. Thyrlyn (thryllyn) or peercyn penetro, terebro, perforo, Prompt. Parv. 491.] v. þurh-þyrelian. þyrelian