
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - tó-sáwan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

p. -seów To sow broadcast, scatter seed; fig. to spread abroad, scatter, disperse, (a) of concrete objects:--Sume hí cwǽdon, ðæt se líchoma ðe ǽne biþ tó duste gewend and wíde tósáwon, ðæt hé nǽfre eft tógædere ne cóme, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 376. Of Noes sunum ys tósáwen (disseminatum) eall mancynn ofer eorðan, Gen. 9, 19. Is micel dǽl ðæs mancynnes gehwǽr wíde tósáwen, Homl. Ass. 69, 94. (b) of abstract objects, to disseminate opinions, distribute favours, sow dissension:--Se manu ðe tósǽwþ ungeþwǽrnysse betwux cristenum mannum, Homl. Th. i. 492, 14. Swá weorðlíce wíde tósáweþ Dryhten his duguþe, Exon. Th. 299, 31; Crä. 110. Tósáwaþ (labia sapientium) disseminabunt (scientiam, Pro

Mots connexes: 15, 7), Kent. Gl. 511. Ða fyrmestan bydelas ðe Godes láre geond ðás land tóseówon, Homl. Ass. 56, 143. Seó leáse gesetnys ðe þurh gedwolmen wíde tósáwen is, Homl. Th. i. 438, 1. to-sawan
