
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - tó-sceád

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

I. add :-- Tóscádes difinitionis, An. Ox. 27, 12. Wæs heora ǽghwæðer Heáwold nemned. Wæs þis tósceád (distinctio) hwæðere þætte fore missenlicre heora feaxes híwe óðer wæs cweden se blaca Heáwold, óðer se hwíta Heáwold, Bd. 5, 10; Sch. 599, 18. III. add: (1) of difference in material objects :-- Æteówde seó hand swutole ... and wǽron fægere fingras, smale and lange, and þǽra nægla tósceád (the nails could be distinguished from the rest of the hand), and se greáta líra beneoðan þám þúman eall wæs gesýne, Vis. Lfc. 83. (2) of difference in non-material objects :-- Swá micel tósceád is betwuh dǽre beðóhtan synne ... and ðǽre ðe mon fǽrlíce ðurhtiéhð, Past. 435, 4. to-scead