Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - tó-sciftan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- tó-sciftan
- p. te To divide for the purpose of distribution, to divide and distribuce:--Se cyng intó Wealan férde and his fyrde tóscyfte (divided the force that the parts of it might take different routes), and ðæt land eall þurhfór, swá ðæt seó fyrd eall tógædere com tó Snáwdúne, Chr. 1095; Erl. 232, 8. Se cyng lét tóscyfton ðone here geond eall ðis land tó his mannon the king had the troops divided and quartered all over the country on his men, 1085; Erl. 218, 8. to-sciftan