Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - tó-stregdan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
-strédan. [
- tó-stregdan
- For conjugation see stregdan.] I. trans. To disperse, scatter, destroy. The verb occurs mostly in glosses and renders the Latin verbs spargere, aspergere, dispergere, disperdere, dissipare, dis--pertire, destruere :-- Mildheortnisse míne ic ne tóstregdo (-stréde. Ps. Spl. ,-stregde, C. ) misericordiam meam non dispergam, Ps. Surt. 88, 34. Ic tóstréde, Scint. 230, 7. Tóstraigdes l tódríteþ dispergit, Jn. Skt. Lind. 10, 12. Tóstret (-straegdæþ, Lind. : -stregdes, Rush. ), Lk. Skt. 11. 23. Tóstrigeded disperdet, Ps. Surt. 77, 38. Tóstrédeþ spargit, Ps. Spl. 147, 5 : aspergit. Blickl. Gl. : dispersit, Ps. Th. in, 8. Fægere weras tó-strédaþ ðone líg ðæt hé ne mæg ná sceðþan ðisse fǽmnan fair men scatter the flame, so that it cannot harm this virgin, Shrn. 130, 31. Ðú tó-strugde úsic dispersisti nos, Ps. Surt. 43, 12. Tóstregdyst, Ps. Spl. C. 43, 13. Hé tóstregde dispersit, 111, 8. Tóstrægd, Lk. Skt. Lind. Rush. I. 51 : Rtl. 177, 15. Tóstregd hié disperde illos, Ps. Surt. 53, 7: disperge, 58, 12. Tóstrigden (-stregdyn, Ps. Spl. C. ) wé hié disperdamus eos, 82, 5. Hé ne tóstrugde hié ne disperderet eos, 105, 23. Tóstrogden biþ dispertiatur, Mk. Skt. Rush. Lind. 3, 25. Ne biþ forléten stán ofer sláne se ðe ne sié tóstrogden (destruatur), 13, 2 : Lk. Skt. Lind. 21, 6. Tóstrogden biðon (dispargentur) ða scípo, Mk. Skt. Lind. 14, 27. Ða ðe uoeron tóstrogden qui erant dispersi, Jn. Skt. Lind. 11, 52. Hiá biód tóstrogdne dispergentur, Ps. Surt. 58, 16: dissipentur,67, 2. Tóstródne, 91, 10. Tóstréde synd (dispersa sunt) ealle ban mine, Ps. Spl. 21, 12. Geþancu and geþeahtu ðíne tóstrédde and tó náht getealde beón getácnaþ the dream betokens that your thoughts and counsels will be dissipated and counted for nought, Lchdm. iii. 214, 24. Scípa tóstrogdenra ovium dis-sipatorum, Rtl. 9, 38, II. intrans. To be dispersed, not to keep within proper bounds :-- Ðonne ðæt mód flíhþ ðæt ðæt hit sié gebunden mid ege and mid láre, ðonne tóstrét (-strétt, Hatt. MSS. ) hit on yfelre and on unnytte wilnunga and hæfþ ðæs suíðe. micelne hunger ut, quo se perdisciplinam ligare dissimulat, eo se esuriens per voluptatum desideria spargat, Past. 39; Swt. 283, 19. to-stregdan