
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - treówan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

triéwan, tríwan, trýwan;

p. de. I. to trust :-- Trnaþ ealle endemes, ða ðe hiora ærninge tréwaþ those who have confidence in their powers of running, Bt. 37, 2; Fox 188, 10. Gehwylc hiora his ferhite treówde, ðæt hé hæfde mod micel, Beo. Th. 2337; B. 1166. II. to prove one's self true, to clear one's self of a charge of untrue conduct. Cf. Icel. tryggva to make firm and trusty :-- Gif he (a person accused of plotting against his lord) hine selfne triówan wille, dó ðæt be cyninges wergelde, L. Alf. pol. 4 ; Th. i. 64, 2. Treówan, 33 ; Th. i. 82, 8 note. Trýwan, 19 ; Th. 1. 74, 7 note. and treówian. treowan

Mots connexes: ge-treówan, -triéwan, -trýwan, mis- tríwan, or-trýwan,
