Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - treówþe
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
triéwþ, trýwþ, e;
- treówþe
- f. The word is used sometimes in plural with force of singular. I. truth, good faith, honour :-- Ðǽr dydon þeáh Rómáne lytla triéwþa ðæt him ða wǽron láðe ðe hiera hláford beswican there, however, the Romans acted a little honourably (in hoc solo Romanis circa eum fortiter agentibus), in that those who had betrayed their lord were detestable to them, Ors. 5, 2; Swt. 218, 17. II. fidelity :-- Heora gemynd þurhwunaþ for heora trýwðe wið God, Ælfc. T. Grn. 1, 12. III. a covenant, an assurance of good faith :-- Ðis ys ðære treówðe blód ðe Drihten eów behét hic est sanguisfoederis, quod pepigit Dominus vobiscum, Ex. 24, 8. In treówþe geþeóded gástlícesfreóndscipes spiritalis amicitiae foedere copulatus. Bd. 4, 29; S. 607, 9. Mid ǽnigere treówðe quolibet pacto, Hpt. Gl. 469, 34. Treówða foedera, pacta, 404, 9. Treófða foedera, 416, 47. Hié nánra treówþa him ne wéndonbúton ðæt hié mid ealle forweorþan sceolde they expected no terms for themselves, but that they must entirely perish ; the Latin which this seems intended to translate is :-- Non secus ac si capta esset, turbata civitas fuit. Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 166, 13. Ic gemunde mínra treówða ðe ic Abrahame behét recordatus sum pacti mei, Ex. 6, 5. Gif gé míne treówða gehealdaþ si eustodieritis pactum meum, 19, 5. [O. H. Ger. ga-triuwida confidentia ; missa-triuwida diffidentia, suspicio: Icel. tryggð faith, truce. v. ge-, un-treówþ.] treowþe