
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ufan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

adv. I. from above, down, (1) where motion is expressed or implied :-- God him sende ufan greáte hagolstánas Dominus misit super eos lapides magnos de coelo, Jos. 10, 11: Blickl. Homl. 51, 12. Him feóll ufan flǽsc pluit super eos carnes, Ps. Th. 77, 27. Seó lyft týhð ðone wǽtan tó hyre neoðan and ða hǽtan ufon, Lchdm. iii. 280, 3. Ic eom engel Godes ufan síþende, Exon. Th. 258, 7; Jul. 261. Hine ufan neósade Meotud, 159, 24; Gú. 931: Beo. Th. 3005; B. 1500. Se ðe ufa cuom qui desursum uenit, Jn. Skt. 3, 31. Se Hálga Gást cumeþ ufan on ðé, Blickl. Homl. 7, 35. Ic on andwlitan sígan lǽte wællregn ufan wídre eorðan, Cd. Th. 81, 24; Gen. 1350. Hé ða eágan þurheteþ ufon on ðæt heáfod it eats its way through the eyes down into the head, Exon. Th. 374, 7; Seel. 122. Ic férde tó foldan ufan from éðle, Cd. Th. 296, 2; Sat. 496. Hí feóllon ufon of heofonum, 20, 11; Gen. 308. Ufan cumende of heánisse oriens ex alto, Ps. Surt. ii. p. 199, 40: Cd. Th. 248, 7; Dan. 509. Of roderum ufan onsended, 237, 14; Dan. 337: Exon. Th. 368, 20; Seel. 27. (2) where an action is directed from a higher to a lower point :-- Seó sunne lócaþ ufan on helle, Salm. Kmbl. p. 200, 2. Ufan engla sum cýgde ... ufan of roderum wuldergást mǽlde, Cd. Th. 176, 7-16; Gen. 2908-2911. Ðæt eów ne bið ufan álýfed, Exon. Th. 138, 31; Gú. 584. Ámet ufan tó grunde measure front top to bottom, Cd. Th. 309, 2; Sat. 703. Godwebba cyst ufan eall forbærst, Exon. Th. 70, 13; Cri. 1138. II. marking position, above, at the top :-- Synd ðǽr þrý porticas ... fægere ufan oferworhte and oferhrýfde. Seó cyrice is ufan open ... and þeáh ðe ðæt hús ufan open sý, hweþre hit biþ á þurh Godes gife ufan wiþ ǽghwilc ungewidro gescylded,... and nǽfre nǽnig man ða lǽstas ufan oferwyrcean ne mihte, Blickl. Homl. 125, 24-35: 19, 27: Exon. Th. 219, 17; Ph. 308: 446, 14; Dóm. 22. Æscholt utan gǽg, Beo. Th. 665; B. 330. Hæfdon hí Dryhtnes leóht ufan (above, in heaven) forléten, Cd. Th. 269, 7; Sat. 69. Hér is fýr micel ufan and neoðone, 24, 9; Gen. 375. On ǽlcere stówe hé is hire emnneáh ge ufan ge neoþon, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 23. ¶ Associated with prepositions :-- Saturnus yfemest wandraþ ofer eallum ufan óþrum steorrum, Met. 24, 24. On ðám ufan stódon scyttan, Nar. 4, 15. On ðam seáðe ufan hé hús getimbrode, Guthl. 4; Gdwin. 26, 9. Ðá gefeóll hé on his earm ufan, Bd. 3, 2; S. 525, 2. [Icel. ofan from above; ofan á upon: O. Sax. bi-oban.]

Mots connexes: be-, on-ufan; ufane, ufenan. ufan
