Un-cúþ. i
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - un-cúþ. i
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- un-cúþ. I
- add :-- Rómáne swiþost for þǽm besierede wǽron þe him ꝥ land uncúþre wæs þonne hit Somnitum wǽre, Ors. 3, 8; S. 120, 28. III. add: -- Uncúð hú longe ðǽr swǽ gelǽrede biscepas sién, Past. 9, 3. Ne hopa ðú tó óðres monnes deáðe ; uncúð hwá lengest libbe, Properhaps I may be ashamed, Solil. H. 49, 7 ; 2 12. IV. add: as an epithet of disease :-- Biðon monncwalmo l uncúð ádle erunt pestilentiae, Mt. L. 24, 7. Uncúð áðlo plagas, Mk. L. 3, 10. Deáðbérnisse l uncúðo ádlo pestilentiae, Lk. L. 21, II. Ic ondréde untrumnesse ǽgðer ge cúðe ge uncúðe commoveor metu doloris, Solil. H 33. 44. un-cuþ