
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - un-nyt[t]

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


f. Ill use, disadvantage, hurt :-- Gif hié ða trumnesse ðære Godes giefe him tó unnytte (-nyte, Hatt. MS.) gehweorfaþ si incolumitatis gratiam ad usum nequitiae inclinent, Past. 36; Swt. 246, 8. Ic andette eal ðæt ic ǽfre mid eágum geseáh tó gítsunge oððe tó tǽlnesse, oþþe mid eárum tó unnytte gehýrde, oþþe mid mínum múðe tó unnytte gecwæð, L. de Cf. 8; Th. ii. 264, 1-2. Lá hwæt fremaþ cyrichatan cristendóm on unnyt see what Christianity can do to the disadvantage of the church's foes, Wulfst. 67, 19.

Mots connexes: nytt. un-nytt
