Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - un-stille
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- un-stille
- adj. Not still, unquiet :-- Unstille inquies, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 26; Zup. 52, 4. I. of motion, not at rest, moving :-- Ðæt wæter unstille ǽghwider wolde tóscríþan, ne meahte hit on him selfum ǽfre gestandan, Met. 20, 92. Sund unstille, Exon. Th. 338, 14; Gn. Ex. 78. Swift wæs on fóre, dreág unstille winnende wéga, 434, 24; Rä. 52, 5. Eall ðiós unstille gesceaft, Bt. 39, 6; Fox 220, 23. Ðæt unstille hweól (velox rota) ðe Ixion wæs tó gebunden, 35, 6; Fox 168, 31. Ða unstillan woruldgesceafta, Met. 11, 19. Ðara unstillena gesceafta styring ne mæg nó weorþan gestilled, ne eác onwend of ðam ryne ðe him geset is, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 3. Ðú ðe ealle ða unstillan gesceafta tó ðínum willan ástyrast qui das cuncta moveri, 33, 4; Fox 128, 9: Met. 20, 14. II. liking movement (lit. or fig.), unquiet, restless; in a bad sense, unruly :-- Hé cwæð ðæt sió tunge wǽre unstille yfel lingua, inquietum malum, Past. 38; Swt. 281, 7. Eh byð unstyllum ǽfre frófur, Runic pm. Kmbl. 343, 9; Rún. 19. Ða unstillan (inquietos) hé sceal þreágean, R. Ben. 13, 12. Nánwuht nis on ús unstilre and ungestæððigre ðonne ðæt mód nil in nobis est corde fugacius, Past. 38; Swt. 273, 11. III. unquiet, disturbed :-- Ðæt mǽden hæfde unstille niht, Ap. Th. 18, 27. IV. not at peace, troubled :-- Hé wæs fram ðam áwyrgedan gáste unstille; and swá swýþe hé hine drehte, ðæt hé his sylfes nǽnig gemynd ne hæfde, Guthl. 13; Gdwin. 60, 12. [O. H. Ger. un-stilli inquiens, vacillans, inquietus.] un-stille