
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - un-willa

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


m. What displeases, displeasure, what is not desired :-- Nafa ðú tó yfel ellen, ðeáh ðé sum unwilla on becume; oft brincð se woruld ðone willan ðe bið eft, Prothe word occurs mostly in dat. (sing. or pl.) with adverbial force, unwillan, unwillum against one's will, unwillingly, not voluntarily, without one's consent, in despite of one. (1) alone :-- Se ðe monnan nédes ofslóge, oððe unwillum, L. Alf. 13; Th. i. 46, 22. Hí sealdon unwillum áþas, Met. 1, 24. Ród ðe ic unwillum on beom gefæstnad, óðer ðe ic gestág willum mínum, Exon. Th. 91, 12; Cri. 1491: 360, 11; Wal. 4. Se ðe mid his willan bið besmiten ... Se ðe onwillan (invitus) bið besmiten, L. Ecg. C. 5; Th, ii. 138, 7. (2) with pronouns :-- Ðec ðín sáwl sceal mínum unwillan (-willum, Soul Kmbl. 125) oft gesécan, Exon. Th. 370, 22; Seel. 63. Ic áscige ðé, forhwí ðú ðæt ríce ðínum unwillan (-willum, Cott. MS.) forléte? Bt. 27, 2; Fox 96, 14. Sǽton ða Gotan on lande, sume be ðæs cáseres willan, sume his unwillan, Ors. 6, 38; Swt. 298, 5. Hé for ðam ege his unwillum ðonan wende, 4, 5; Swt. 166, 8. Nis nán syn þeáh man his unwillum blódes byrige of his tóðum, L. Ecg. C. 40; Th. ii. 166, 27. Úre gást biþ swíþe wíde farende úrum unwillum (independently of our will), Bt. 34, 11; Fox 152, 4. Godes anweald nǽre full eádiglíc, gif ða gesceafta hiora unwillum him hérden, 35, 4; Fox 160, 19: Ps. Th. 44, 16: Ors. 6, 13 tit.; Swt. 6, 3. Heora bégra unwyllum, Shrn, 204, 6. [He wuneð on wanrede and þoleð his unwille, O. E. Homl. ii. 123, 6. O. Sax. un-willeo :-- An Godes unwilleon, Hél. 2460. O. H. Ger. un-willo nausea; sínen unwillen against his will: Icel. ú-vili, at úvilja eins against one's will.] v. preceding word. un-willa

Mots connexes: Kmbl. 40. Hé drýhð deófles willan and Godes unwillan, Wulfst. 12, 13. ¶
