
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - úre

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

gen. pl. of personal pronoun of first person. Of us :-- Adam can yfel and gód, swá swá úre sum (quasi unus ex nobis), Gen. 3, 22. Ús is eallum þearf, ðæt úre ǽghwylc óþerne bylde, Byrht. Th. 138, 42; By. 234: Beo. Th. 2776; B. 1386. Úre ealra bliss eardhæbbendra laetantium omnium nostrum habitatio, Ps. Th. 86, 6. Weorð ðú úre gemyndig memor fuit nostri, 113, 21. Gemiltsa úre miserere nostri, Ps. Spl. 122, 4. Gif ðú úre bídan þencest, Exon. Th. 119, 26; Gú. 260. ¶ used as a possessive, our :-- Wé sceolan syllan ðone teóþan dǽl úre worldspéda, and wé sceolan úre daga ðone teóþan dǽl on forhæfdnesse lifgean, Blickl. Homl. 35, 19, 20. Geþencean úre sáula þearfe, 95, 24. Úre synna forgifnessa, 97, 14. From ðam heáhsetle úre Gescyppendes, 11, 29.

Mots connexes: ús. ure
