
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - wác

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

adj. I. yielding, not rigid, pliant, fluid :-- Waac lentus, Wrt. Voc. i. 61, 35. Wæter, wác and hnesce (cf. ðæt hnesce and flówende wæter, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 3), Met. 20, 93. Wác hreód ðe ǽlc hwiða windes mæg áwecggan, Past. 42; Swt. 306, 6. Gerd wácc l bifiende (hreád ðæt wagende, Rush.) harundinem quassatam, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 12, 20. Byrhtnóð wand wácne æsc (the pliant ash-shaft), Byrht. Th. 132, 68; By. 43. Iosue hí up áhéng on fíf wácum bógum Iosue eos suspendit super quinque stipites, Jos. 10, 26. II. weak, feeble, wanting mental or moral streng, wanting courage :-- Wác bið se hyrde funden tó heorde, ðe nele ða heorde ðe hé healdan sceal mid hreáme bewerian, L. C. E. 26; Th. i. 374, 22. Wác bið ðæt geðanc on cristenum men, gif hé ne cann understandan þurh rihtne geleáfan ðone ðe hine gescóp, Wulfst. 20, 9: Cd. Th. 40, 34; Gen. 649. On gewitte tó wác, Andr. Kmbl. 423; An. 212. Ne tó wác wiga, ne tó wanhýdig, Exon. Th. 290, 18; Wand. 67. Ðæt wæs wíglíc werod: wác ne grétton in ðæt rincgetæl rǽswan herges, Cd. Th. 192, 18; Exod. 233. Ic, Ælfríc, munuc and mæssepreóst, swá þeáh wáccre Ðonne swilcum hádum gebyrige, Homl. Th. i. 2, 12. Hæfde hire wácran hige Metod gemearcod, Cd. Th. 37, 16; Gen. 590. Sume láceówas sindon beteran ðonne sume; sume sind wáccran, swá swá wé beóð, Homl. Th. ii. 48, 17. III. poor, mean, not of great value or in high esteem; vilis. Abingdon) næs wáccere ðonne (inferior to) formænig ðara ðe his yldran ǽr gefyrþredon, Lchdm. iii. 438, 11. Ǽlc man sylð on forandæge his góde wín, and ðæt wáccre ðonne ða gebeóras druncniaþ, Homl. Th. ii. 70, 26. Gedroren is ðeós duguð eal, wuuiaþ ða wácran, Exon. Th. 311, 4; Seef. 87. Fyrmest manna primas, wácost manna infimas, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 25; Zup. 50, 3. Ne eart ðú wácost (minima, Mt. 2, 6) burga, Homl. Th. i. 78, 14. On reáfe wáccust habitu vilissimus, Scint. 21, 7. Hwí wénst ðú, ðone nú ða wácestan gesceafta eallunga ne gewítaþ, ðæt seó seóleste gescaft mid ealle gewíte? Shrn. 198, 19. [O. Sax. wék: O. H. Ger. weih lentus, mollis, liquens, imbecillis, debilis: Icel. veikr.] v. leoþu-, wund-wác. wac

Mots connexes: wác-líc, -ness :-- Mid wáces olfendes hǽrum gescrýdde, Homl. Th. ii. 506, 23. Ðone wácan assan hé geceás, i. 210, 15. ii forealdode rǽdingbéc swíðe wáke, and .i. wác mæssereáf, Chart. Th. 430, 31. Hé ðis wáce forlét, líf ðis lǽne, Chr. 975; Erl. 124, 31: Exon. Th. 53, 25; Cri. 856. Swá tealte beóð eorðan dreámas, and swá wáce syndan ǽhta mid mannum, Wulfst. 264, 4. Ða wácan fugelas, Homl. Th. ii. 462, 25. Hwí forgifð God ðám wácum wyrtum swá fægerne wlite, 464, 16. Hwí dést ðú ðé sylfe ðurh wáce þeáwas swilce ðú wyln sý, Homl. Skt. i. 8, 44. Hit is on worulde á swá leng swá wácre; men syndon swicole, and woruld is ðe wyrse, Wulfst. 83, 10. Seó stów (
