Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - wan-hygd
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
-hygdu(-o) [cf. ofer-hygd]
- wan-hygd
- want of mind, folly, rashness, recklessness, imprudence :-- For wlence and for wonhygdum hí ceastre worhton, and tó heofnum up hlǽdræ rǽrdon, Cd. Th. 100, 33; Gen. 1673. Grendel for his wonhýdum wǽpna ne récceþ ; ic ðæt ðonne forhicge ðæt ic sweord bere, Beo. Th. 872; B. 434. [Cf. Icel. van-hyggja want of forethought.] wan-hygd