Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - wearn
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- wearn
- m. (?) A multitude, a great number or quantity, a great deal :-- Þunie (þu me, Th.) him gewinnes wearn ofer wealles hróf and heom on midle wese mán and inwit circumdabit eam super muros ejus iniquitas, et labor in medio ejus, Ps. Th. 54, 9. Þeán ðe ða ealle ðe mé áfeódon wordum wyrigen and wearn sprecan si is, qui oderat me, super me magna locutus est, 54, 12. Hió innwit feala ýwdan on tungan, and mé wráðra wearn worda sprǽcon locuti sunt adversum me lingua dolosa, et sermonibus odii circumdederunt me, 108, 2. Ic on unriht oft lócade and wiðercwyda wearn gehýrde vidi iniquitatem et contradictionem, 54, 8. Hí his wundra wearn gesáwon on wætergrundum ipsi viderunt mirabilia ejus in profundo, 106, 23. Þeáh ðe eów wealan tó wearnum flówen divitiae si affluant, 61, 11. Hé synfulle tódrífeþ wearnum ealle omnes peccatores disperdet, 144, 20. Fol oft mon wearnum (or from wearn; f.) tíhð eargne ðæt hé elne forleóse full often the coward is freely (or with difficulty) accused of losing his courage, Exon. Th. 345, 13; Gn. Ex. 187. and cf. worn. wearn