Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - wícian
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- wícian
- p. ode. I. to lodge, take up one's quarters, I:--Eallum ús leófre ys wíkian (hospitari) mid ðam yrþlinge þonne mid ðé; for ðam se yrþling sylþ ús hláf and drenc, Coll. Monast. Th. 31, 1. Án his manna wolde wícian æt ánes búndan húse, Chr. 1048; Erl. 177, 36. II. to camp, encamp, v. wíc, IV. (1) to stop in the course of an expedition or march :-- Hé ástyrede his fyrdwíc forð tó Iordanen and wícode þreó niht wið ða eá movit castra, veneruntque ad Jordanem, et morati sunt ibi tres dies, Jos. 3, 1: Elen. Kmbl. 130; El. 65. Hig fóron fram Sochoþ and wícodon æt Etham (castrametati sunt in Etham), Ex. 13, 20: 15, 27: Jos. 4, 19. Wícedon, Elen. Kmbl. 76; El. 38. Ðú cans eal ðis wésten and wásð hwǽr wé wícian magon tu nosti, in quibus locis per desertum castra ponere debeamus, Past. 41; Swt. 304, 16. Ðá hét ic míne fyrd restan and wícian ego jussi castra poni, Nar. 8, 26. Ðá com Eustachius mid his here tó ðam túne ... Wæs seó wunung þǽr swýþe wynsum on tó wícenne, and his geteld wǽron gehende hire wununge geslagene, Homl. Skt. ii. 30, 315. (1 a) of an object that moves :-- Nihtweard (the pillar of fire) nýde sceolde wícian ofer weredum, Cd. Th. 185, 3; Exod. 117. (2) to occupy a position for a time :-- Ðá wícode se cyng on neáweste ðare byrig ða hwíle ðe hié hiera corn gerypon, Chr. 896; Erl. 94, 5. Hé wícode ðǽr ða hwíle ðe man ða burg worhte, 913; Erl. 102, 6. Tó ðǽm monnum ðe on eásthealfe ðære é wícodon, 894; Erl. 92, 30. Seó eorþe tóbærst ðǽr ðǽr hí wícodon mid wífum and mid cyldum on heora geteldum, Homl. Skt. i. 13, 226. III. in case of travel by water, to land :-- Þyder hé cwæð ðæt man mihte geseglian on ánum mónðe, gyf man on niht wícode ... and ealle ða hwíle hé sceal seglian be lande, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 19, 13. Ðá hí ofersegledon, hí cómon to Genesar and ðár wícedon cum transfretassent, peruenerunt in terram Gennesareth, et applicuerunt, Mk. Skt. 6, 53. [Wikien ȝe scullen here (wonieþ nou here, 2nd MS.), Laym. 18102.] v. ge-, ymb-wícian. wician