Wíd-wegas j
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - wíd-wegas j
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- wíd-wegas j
- pl. m. Distant regions, regions lying far and wide :-- Ús gesamna of wídwegum congrega nos de nationibus, Ps. Th. 105, 36, Hé synfulle tðdrífeþ geond wídwegas omnes peccatores disperdet, 144, 20. Faraþ geond ealne yrrnenne grund, geond wídwegas, bodiaþ geleáfan (euntes in mundum universum praedicate evangelium, Mk. 16, 15), Exon. Th. 30, 21; Cri. 482. Férdon folctogan feorran and neán geond wídwegas, Beo. Th. 1684; An. 840. Blǽd is árǽred geond wídwegas, ofer þeóda gehwylce, 3412 ; B. 1704. Cf. síd-wegas. wid-wegas j