
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - wind

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


m. I. wind, air in motion :--Seó lyft, þonne heó ástyred is, byð wind. Se wind hæfð mistlíce naman on bocum ... Feówer heáfodwindas synd. Se fyrmesta is eásterne wind ... Ðás feówer heáfodwindas habbaþ betweox him on ymbhwyrfte óðre eahta windas, ǽfre betwyx ðám heáfodwindum twégen windas ... Is án ðæra eahta winda aquilo geháten ...; ealne ðone cwyld ðe se súðerna wind auster ácænð, ealne hé tódrǽfð, Lchdm. iii. 274, 10-276, 8. Sæge mé, huona gebláwaþ wind? Ðæt is of Serafin, of ðon is ácweden Serafin windana, Rtl. 192, 33. Gif hús full ungemetlíc wind gesteut, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 16. Swift wind. Met. 7, 20. Se stearca wind, 12, 14. Winneþ wind wið wǽge, 25, 58. Ðonne wind styreþ láð gewidru, Beo. Th. 2753; B. 1374. Ðonne wind ligeþ, weder bið fæger, Exon. Th. 210, 7; Ph. 182. Biþ sǽsmilte, ðonne hý wind ne weceþ, 336, 27; Gn. Ex. 56. Nó wǽgflotan wind ofer ýðum síðes getwǽfde, Beo. Th. 3819; B. 1907. Bærn eal tósomne on ða healfe ðe se wind sý. Lchdm. iii. 56, 7. Se wind strongra geswinca ... se wind ðara earfoþa, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 18, 28. Wæs mycel ýst windes geworden, Mk. Skt. 4, 37. Hwyrft hægel of heofones lyfte, wealcaþ hit windes scúra, Runic pm. Kmbl. 341, 6; Run. 9. Holm storme weól, won wið winde, Beo. Th. 2268; B. 1132. Winde gelícost, ðonne hé hlúd ástígeþ, wǽðeþ be wolcnum, wédende færeþ, and eft semninga swíge gewyrðeþ, Elen. Kmbl. 2542; El. 1272. Winde biwáune weallas, Exon. Th. 291, 2; Wand. 76. Wérig sceal se wiþ winde róweþ, 345, 12; Gn. Ex. 187. Winde gefýsed flota, Beo. Th. 440; B. 217. Ðá sende Drihten micelne wind. Ex. 14, 21. Ðú ðe ða treówa þurh ðone stearcan wind norþan and eástan on hærfesttíd heora leáfa bereáfast, and eft on lencten óþru leaf sellest þurh ðone smyltan súþanwesternan wind quas Boreae spiritus aufert, revehat mitis Zephyrus, frondeis, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 5-8. Þurh ðone láðran wind. Met. 4, 24. Theodosius hæfde ðone wind mid him, ðæt his fultum mehte mǽstra ǽlcne heora flána on hiora feóndum áfæstnian, Ors. 6, 36; Swt. 294, 26. Ðǽr bleówun windas, Mt. Kmbl. 7, 25. Wedercandel swearc, windas weóxon, Andr. Kmbl. 745; An. 373. Swógaþ windas, bláwaþ brecende bearhtma mǽste, Exon. Th. 59, 10; Cri. 950. Hé fleáh ofer winda fiðeru. Ps. Th. 17, 10. Hé bebýt ge windum ge sǽ. Lk. Skt. 8, 25. II. wind, flatulence, III. wind, breath :--Ic (a horn) winde sceal swelgan of sumes bósme, Exon. Th. 395, 28; Ru. 15, 14. [Goth. winds: O. Sax. O. Frs. wind: O. H. Ger. wint: Icel. vindr: Lat. ventus.] v. eástan-, eástansúþan- (under eástan), eástnorþ-, heáfod-, norþ-, norþan-, norþaneástan-, norþanwestan-, súþ-, súþan-, súþaneástan-, súþanwestan-, west-, westan-, westansúþan-, westnorþ-, westsúþ-wind. -wind,wind

Mots connexes: windig, II :--Gif sió wamb biþ windes full, ðonne cymð ðæt of wlacre wǽtan, Lchdm. ii. 224, 23. Wambe wind, 168, 20.
