Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - wiþer-mál
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- wiþer-mál
- m. A case against (in reply to, or (?) by way of accusation), defence, prosecution (?) :-- Man útlagode Swægn eorl, his óðerne sunu. Ðá ne onhagode him tó cumenne to wiðermále ongeán ðone cyng, and ágeán ðone here ðe him mid wæs his (Godwin's) other son, Swegen, was outlawed. Then it did not suit him to come to meet the king and the army that was with him in order to defend himself (or? in order that the case against him might be brought; cf. Geornde se eorl griðes ðæt hé móste hine betellan æt ǽlc ðæra þinga ðe him man on léde, Erl. 180, 12), Chr. 1052; Erl. 181, 7. wiþer-mal