
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - wolcen

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

wolcn (wolc), es;

n. : also wolcne, an; f. A cloud: -- Wolcn nubes, Wrt. Voc. i. 76, 46. Ealle ða gewitaþ swá swá wolcn, Blickl. Homl. 59, 20. Nalas ðæt wolcn ðý forþ comðe úre Drihten ðæs wolcnes fultomes þearfe hæfde, oþþe ðæt wolcn hiene up áhófe, ac hé ðæt wolcn him beforan nam, and hé on ðæm wolcne from heora gesihþe gewát, 121, 11-17. Regn wolcen brincgeþ. Ps. Th. 67, 10. Wolcen tit pillar of cloud, 77, 16. Beorht wolcn (wolcen, Lind. : wolken, Rush. ) nubes lucida. Mt. Kmbl. 17, 5. Blódig wolcen, Blickl. Homl. 91, 32. Wan wolcen. Met. 5, 4. Windig wolcen, Exon. Th. 201, 24; Ph. 61. Se ðe him ǽlc wolcn ondrǽdt. . . . Hwæt getácnaþ ðæt wolc (wolcn, Cote. MSS. ) ? . . . Se wind drífeþ ðæt wolcn. Past. 39 ; Swt. 285, 18-21. ' Send me ðínne engel on fýrenum wolcne.' . . . Fýren wolc ástáh of heofonum, Blickl. Homl. 245, 30. Ðonne ða wolcnan sceótaþ betweón ðære sunnan and ðé. . . . Þeáh nán wolcne sí betweón ðé and hyre, Shrn. 201, 27. Wǽt wolcnes tier, Met. 20, 81. Sealdon wolcnes stefne vocem dederunt nubes (the translator has read nubis ?), Ps. Th. 76, 14. Ic cume tó ðe on sweartum wolcne (in caligine nubis), Ex. 19, 9 : Cd. Th. 27, 15; Gen. 418. Wolcan nubem, Ps. Surt. 103, 3. Ðonne sweartan wolcnu him beforan gáþ, Bt. 6 ; Fox 14, 22. Ðás ðe fleógaþ swá swá wolcnu. Homl. Th. i. 584, 28. Wolcnu scríþaþ. Menol. Fox 486; Gn. C. 13. Nalles wolcnu ofer rúmne grund regnas bǽron, Cd. Th. 14, 2; Gen. 212. Bletsiaþ weolcnu Drihtne, Hymn. T. P. 73. Wolgceno, Rtl. 81, 24. Wolcna nimborum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 59, 57. Wolcna strengu. Exon. Th. 390, 4; Rä. 8, 5. For ðæra wolcna ðicnysse, Lchdm. iii. 232, 16. Wolcna scúr, Cd. Th. 238, 5 ; Dan. 350. Ðonne ic oferteó heofenan mid wolcnum (nubibus), ðonne æteówð mín boga on ðam wolcnum, Gen. 9, 14. On heofones wolcnum, Mt. Kmbl. 26, 64: Cd. Th. 303, 5 ; Sat. 608. Wind wǽðeþ be wolcnum, Elen. Kmbl. 2545; El. 1274. Wolcnum beþehte, Andr. Kmbl. 2094; An. 1048: Rood Kmbl. 105; Kr. 53. Móna waþol under wolcnum, Fins. Th. 14; Fin. 8. Se ðe him ða wolc (wolcn, Cott. MSS. ) ondréde, Past. 39; Swt. 285, 24. Hé fram ðysse eorðan ende lǽdeþ wolcen wræclicu educens nubes ab extremo terrae, Ps. Th. 134, 7: 77, 25 : Cd. Th. 265, II; Sat. 6. Seó lyft ábyrð ealle wolcnu (-a, ), Lchdm. iii. 274, 9, 24: Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 9. ¶ in pl. (l) the clouds, the heavens, the sky :-- Ðá árás se wind and ða wolcnu sweartodon, and com ormǽte scúr of ðære lyfte (coeli contenebrati sunl, et nubes, et ventus, et facia est pluvia grandis, i Kings 18, 45), Homl. Skt. i. 18, 151. Hwá is unlæredra ðe ne wundrige wolcna færeldes, rodres swifto (cf. ðæs roderes færeldes and his swiftnesse, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 15), Met. 28, 2 : Cd. Th. 255, 15; Dan. 624. Óð wolcna hróf to the skies, 196, 28; Exod. 298. Ofer wolcna hróf above the clouds, Elen. Kmbl. 178; El. 89. Wið wolcnum usque ad nubes, Ps. Th. 56, 12. Tó wolcnum. Beo. Th. 2242 ; B. 1119. Hyre stefn oncwæð of wolcnum, Exon. Th. 259, 16; Jul. 289. Hwæðer sincende sǽflðd wǽre under wolcnum, Cd. Th. 86, 29; Gen. 1438 : Beo. Th. 3266; B. 1631: Met. 7, 26: Exon. Th. 199, 17 ; Ph. 27. Scip wide rád wolcnum under, Cd. Th. 84, 4; Gen. 1392, Óþ wolcen (wolcenu. Ps. Surt. ) usque ad nubes, Ps. Th. 107, 4. Óþ ða wolcnu (wolcen, Ps. Surt.), 35, 5. (2) the clouds of night :-- Óþ ðe nípende niht scríðan cwóme, wan under wolcnum, Beo. Th. 1306; B. 651: 1432; B. 714: Salm. Kmbl. 207; Sal. 103: Andr. Kmbl. 1673; An. 839: Exon. Th. 178, 34; Gú. 1254: Rood Kmbl. 109; Kr. 55. (3) in the phrases under wolcnum, under wolcna hrófe under heaven, on earth :-- Ðenden hé on ðysse worulde wunode under wolcna hrófe, Judth. Thw. 22, 19; Jud. 67. Á þenden standeþ woruld under wolcnum. Cd. Th. 56, 22; Gen. 916: 64, 30; Gen. 1058: 117, 7; Gen. 1950: Exon. Th. 14, 28; Cri. 226. Hé weóx under wolcnum, Beo. Th. 15; B. 8. Ic Hring-Dena weóld under wolcnuro, 3544; B. 1770: Met. l, 76. Landes frætwe gewítaþ under wolcnum, Elen. Kmbl. 2541; El. 1272. Þa scipen foren wide mid wolcnen and mid wedere, Laym. 102. Com winden mid ðam weolcnen a drake, 25592. In the later English, however, the word seems used mostly in the sense of sky, welkin :-- Fir weax up to þam wolcne, and se wolcne undide on fower healfe and faht þær togeanes. Chr. 1122; Erl. 249, 22. þa wolcne gon to dunien, þa eorðe gon to biuien, Laym. 27452 : 4575. Þere weolcne (wolkne, 2nd MS. ) he wes swiðe neh, 2883. Bonen þurleð þe weolcne oratio penetrat nubes, A. R. 246, 24: Marh. 7, 3. We sitteþ under weolcne (welkne, v. l.) bi nihte, O. and N. 1682. On the welkne shoon the sterres, Chauc. Cl. T. 1124. Al þe wyde worlde bothewelkne (wolkne, þe welkene, welken, v. ll.) and þe wynde, water and erþe, Piers P. 17, 160. O. Sax. wolkan; n. a cloud: O. Frs. wolken: O. H. Ger. wolcnan ; n, nubes. ] v. heofon-, -weder-wolcen. wolcen

Mots connexes: l.
