
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - wundrung

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


f. I. wondering, wonder, admiration, astonishment :-- Hwæt is ðeós wundrung ðe gé wafiaþ? Exon. Th. 6, 24; Cri. 89. Eall hé wæs ful wundrunge and wafunge; and eác ða byrig hé geseah eall on óþre wísan gewend, on óþre heó ǽr wæs Homl. Skt. i. 23, 509. Heó mid wundrunge wearð befangen, 2, 251. Hé þearle siððan Maurum wurðode, and on wundrunge hæfde (held him in admiration), 6, 185. Ðǽr heó líð óð ðis on mycelre árwurðnysse mannum tó wundrunge (to the admiration of men), 20, 101. Hé on ðære micclan his módes wundrunge ðǽr gestód dreórig in the great bewilderment of his mind he stood there downcast, 23, 627. Hí wundrodon mycelre wundrunge obstupuerunt stupore maximo, Mk. Skt. 5, 42. Pape geswutelaþ wundrunge, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Zap. 11, 3. Interjectio getácnaþ hwílon ðæs módes blisse, hwílon sárnysse, hwílon wundrunge, 48; Zup. 278, 6. II. a wonderful sight, a spectacle :-- Wundrunge spectaculi, Hpt. Gl. 508, 27. wundrung