
ボズワースとトラーラーのアングロ・サクソン古英語辞典 - hetol



adj. Full of hate, hostile, malignant, evil:-- Se heáhengel ðe nu is hetol deófol the archangel that now is a devil full of malice, Boutr. Scrd. 17, 22. Maxentius ða burh geheóld mid hetelum geþance Maxentius held the town with hostile intent, Homl. Th. ii. 304, 21. Hí habbaþ nú ðone hetolan deófol him tó hláforde they have now the malignant devil as their lord, 254 1: Swt. A. S. Rdr. 66, 327. Her sind on earde cyrichatan hetole here in the land are foes of the church full of malice, 109, 154. [A. R. hetel: O. H. Ger. hazzal maliliosus.] hetol