Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - æf(e)stigian
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- æf(e)stigian
- p. ode. I. with acc. to envy, be envious of :-- Hié æfestigead ōþera, monna gōddǣde, Gr. D. 117, 4. Ðā æfestgodon d æt sume men, Shrn. 74, 28. Se ealda feónd ongan æfstigian (invidens) dæs ōdres lufan, Gr. D. 99, 7. II. with prep. to took with envy or ill will on, have envy towards :-- Ðes iunga man ne æfestigad on nānum dingum de hē hōr gesihd, Ap. Th. 14, 25. Se āwyrgda gāst æfestgaþ on dā de hē gesyhþ tō Gode higian, Bl. H. 29, 21. Ðā geseah hē dæs sācerdes mōd byrnan and æfæstigian wiþ his līfe, Gr. D. 119, 6.