
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - be

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

abbreviated from big = bí, q. v.

; prep. dat. and instr. 1. BY, near to, to, at, in, on, upon, about, with; juxta, prope, ad, secus, in, cum :-- Be wege by the way, Mk. Bos. 8, 3. Wunode be lordane he dwelt by Jordan, Cd. 91; Th. 116, 6; Gen. 1932. Be grúnde wód went on the ground, Exon. 106a; Th. 404, 29; Rä. 23, 15. Be ýþláfe along the leaving of the waves, Beo. Th. 1136; B. 566. Ic be grúnde græfe I dig along the ground, Exon. 106a; Th. 403, 3; Rä. 22, 2. Be fullan in full; abundanter, Ps. Th. 30, 27. Be eallum with all, altogether, L. Ath. he may not be in the open air, Exon. 90b; Th. 340, 18; Gn. Ex. 113. Be ðam strande upon the strand or shore, Mt. Bos. 13, 48. Ne leofaþ se man be hláfe ánum, ac be ǽlcon worde, ðe of Godes múþe gǽþ non in solo pane vivit homo, sed in omni verbo, quod procedit de ore Dei, Mt. Bos. 4, 4. Byrgan be deádum to bury with the dead, Exon. 82b; Th. 311, 27; Seef, 98. 2. of, from, about, touching, concerning; de, quoad :-- Be ðam cilde of or concerning the child, Mt. Bos. 2, 8. Be hlísan of or about fame, Bt. titl. xviii. xix; Fox xiv. 1. Gramlíce be Gode sprǽcan male locuti sunt de Deo, Ps. Th. 77, 20. Be his horse Bucefal about his horse Bucephal, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 67, 39. Ahsiaþ be ealdum dagum interrogate de diebus antiquis, Deut. 4, 32. Mæg ic be me sylfum sóþ gied wrecan of myself I can relate a true tale, Exon. 81b; Th. 306, 1; Seef. 1. Ic ðis gid be ðé awræc I recited this strain of thee, Beo. Th. 3451; B. 1723. Nysse ic be ðǽre [róde] riht I did not know the right about the cross, Elen. Kmbl. 2479; El. 1241. 3. for, because of, after, by, through, according to; pro, propter, per, secundum :-- He sette word be worde he set word for word, Bt. pro?m; Fox viii. 3. Be hyra weorcum for their works, Exon. 26b; Th. 79, 13; Cri. 1290. Ðú scealt sunu ágan, bearn be brýde ðínre thou shalt have a son, a child, by thy bride, Cd. 106; Th. 140, 11; Gen. 2326. Forlǽdd be ðam lygenum misled by the lies, 28; Th. 37, 31; Gen. 598. Ðæt ic meahte ongitan be ðam gealdre Godes bearn that I might comprehend, through that lore, God's child, Exon. 83a; Th. 313, 26; Mód. 6. Hie, be wæstmum, wíg curon they, according to his strength, choose each warrior, Cd. 155; Th. 193, 8; Exod. 243. Ná ðú be gewyrhtum úrum woldest us dón thou wouldst not do to us according to our sins [secundum peccata nostra], Ps. Th. 102, 10. 4. beside, out of; e, ex :-- Ic ðé lǽde be ðam [bi, ðæm MS. Cott.] wege I should lead thee out of the way, Bt. 40, 5; Fox 240, 23. Genam hine æt eowde úte be sceápum tulit eum de gregibus ovium, Ps. Th. 77, 69. 5. sometimes be is separated from its case:-Be dæges leóhte at the light of day or at daylight, Exon. 107b; Th. 410, 17; Rä. 28, 17. Be fæder láre through the father's counsel, Beo. Th. 3905; B. 1950. Úre bán syndon toworpene be helwarena hæfte neódum dissipata sunt ossa nostra secus infernum, Ps. Th. 140, 9. Mín bibod ðú brǽce be ðines bonan worde thou didst break my command through the word of thy destroyer [the devil], Exon. 28a; Th. 85, 21; Cri. 1394. ¶ Be ánfealdum single. Be twífealdum twofold, Ex. 22, 4. Be ðam mǽstan at the most. Be ðam ðe as, Gen. 3, 6. [Orm. Laym. R. Glouc. Piers P. bi: Chauc. Wyc. by: Plat. bí: O. Sax. bi, be: O. Frs. bí, be: Dut. by: Ger. bei: M. H. Ger. bí: O. H. G. bí, pí: Goth. bi: Sansk. abhi?] be

Palavras relacionadas: § 8, 2; Th. i. 236, 12. Ne mæg he be ðý wedre wesan
