Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - be-beódan
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- be-beódan
- part. be-beódende, he be-být; p. be-beád, pl. be-budon ; impert. be-beód ; pp. be-boden. I. to give a by-command or a gentle command, but generally to command, order; jubere, præcipere, mandare :-- He hys englum bebýt angelis suis mandavit, Lk. Bos. 4, 10. Bebeód Iosue præcipe Iosue, Deut. 3, 28 : Ps. Th. 67, 26 : Ex. 16, 16. Swá him God bebeád as God commanded him, Frag. Kmbl. 75; Leás. 39. Hí bebudon him præceperunt illi, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 35. Ðǽm landbúendum is beboden, ðæt ealles ðæs ðe him on heora ceápe geweaxe, híg Gode ðone teóðan dǽl agyfen to farmers it is commanded, that of all which increases to them of their cattle, they give the tenth part to God, L. E. I. 35; Th. ii. 432, 27. II. to offer, give up, commend; offerre, commendare, mandare :-- Ðú scealt leófes líc forbærnan and me lác bebeódan thou shalt burn the beloved's body and offer it me as a sacrifice, Cd. 138; Th. 173. 9; Gen. 2858. On hands ðíne ic, bebeóde gást mínne in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum, Ps. Spl. 30, 6 : Hy. 4, 5 ; Hy. Grn. ii. 283, 5 : Ps. Th. 132, 4. III. to announce; nuntiare, pronuntiare :-- He bebeád wyrd gewordene he announced the event that had passed, Cd. 197; Th. 245, 29 ; Dan. 470.