Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - be-frinan
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- be-frinan
- l. be-frignan, -frinan; p. -frán, pl. -frúnon, -frinon; pp. -frúnen, -frinen, and add: I. to ask a person a question, (a) the question stated:--Gif eówre bearn eów befrínað, 'Hwæt dóð þá stánas hér?',Jos. 4, 6. Þá befrán se cyning his cnihtas and cwæþ, 'Hwylce méde UNCERTAIN hæfde Mardocheus?', Hml. A. 98, 216: 99, 257. (b) question in-direct:--Hé befrán his witan hwæt him þúhte be þám, Hml. A. 93, 46: 156, 115. Hé befrán ðá hwám ðá gebytlu gemynte wǽron, Hml. Th. ii. 354, 34. Hé hí befrán on hwilcne tíman hí þone steorran gesáwon, i. 82, 8. Heó befrinen þone cásere hwæt heó scolden, Hml. A. 194, 37. Ðone pápan ꝥ hié befrinon hwæt him tó rǽde þúhte, Bl. H. 205, 20. II. to ask, question, (l) a person:--Ic gewréged ðé ne wiðsóc, befrinen (when questioned) ic ðé geandette, Hml. Th. i. 426, 3. (2) to ask about something:--Dás alle cynna befraignes (inquirunt). Mt. L. 6, 32. Cúðberhtus cwæþ þæt hé ðá sceolde befrínan his nýdþearfnysse, Hml. Th. ii. 152, 7. (2 a) with prep.:--Hé befrán be Swýðúne, hwylce wundra hé worhte, Hml. S. 21, 197. Befrínað be ðám cilde. Hml. Th. i. 82, 16. (3) to ask a person about something:--Hwæt mec befregnes ðú of gód quid me interrogas de bono?, Mt. L. 19, 17. Be þǽre láre þe þú mé befrúne, Bl. H. 185, 8. Hé angan tó befrínenne sume inlendisce ymbe þæs íglondes gewunan. Lch. iii. 432, 27. III. to ask for some-thing:--Hé befrán his geféran rǽdes, Hml. S. 25, 397. Búton hé his godes rǽdes befrúne, Hml. A. 197, 77. IV. to ask of a person what one wishes to be told:--Befrán hé æt þám mæssepreóstum ðæs martires naman, Hml. Th. ii. 506, 28. be-frinan