
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - be-gitan

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: (l) to get for one's self, (a) of acquisition, posses-sion:--Ic begeat æt Denulfe þá windcirican, Cht. Th. 156, 21. Bigaet obtenuit, Txts. 81, 1409. Se bisceop wæs Scyttisc and Sce UNCERTAIN Oswald hine begeat on ðás ðeóde the bishop was Scottish and St. Oswald got him into this country, Shrn. 124, 10. Hé begeat Arues dohtor him tó wífe, Ors. 3, 7; S. 112, 9. Hé beget þá burg, Chr. 919; P. 100, II. Hé begeat forð mid him fela scipu, 1052; P. 178, 14. Hié him þǽr scipu begéton, 897; P. 89, 28. Namige man him .xiiii., UNCERTAIN and begyte [hé] .xi. UNCERTAIN (let him take xi), Ll. Th. i. 410, II. Wulfnóð cuconne oððe deádne begytan, Chr. .1009; UNCERTAIN P. 138, 23. Mid eallon þám genge þe hé begeotan mihte, 1065; P. 191, 27. Éce líf begeotan, Bl. H. 97, 28. Begitende con-quirens. Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 53. Begiotende nactus, 61, 23. Ðǽre be-gitenan indeptae, 76, 55. Ðá sócna ðe into ðám mynstre nú begytene (printed betytene, C. D. B. iii. 561, 29) causas omnium terrarum ad monasterium pertinentium, C. D. iii. 61, 12. Hié hæfdon monega byrig begietena, Ors. 2, 2; S. 66, 24. Begetna comprehensos, Mt. L. 4, 24. (b) where a request, favour, &c., is granted:--Hé sende tó ðám cyninge, and begeat þæt hé móste Iosiam beheáfdian, Hml. Th. ii. 422, 26. Hé begeat æt þám cásere ꝥ hé ácwellan móste þá menn, Hml. S. 37, 24. Beget, Guth. 54, 5. Þéh þe Benedictus begeáte ꝥ hé férde þurh þone gást, Gr. D. 150, 16. Begitan impetrare, Wrt. Voc. ii. 47, 51. Be-geatta, Jn. p. 7, II. Hí wilnodon . . . ac híne mihton thorn-bar; begitan, Bt. 29, 2; F. 104, 33. (2) to get for another, procure:--Hý nellað þæs willan gewyrcan þe him éce líf begeat, Wlfst. 185, 17. Gif hwá sleá his néhstan . . . begite hé him lǽce, Ll. Th. i. 48, 10. Begyte hé him þá lácnunge sanationem ei comparet, ii. 210, 25. (3) to get to, find:--Ðú onfindes l begetes invenies, Mt. L, . 17, 27. Begettes invenit, 10, 39. Soecað gé and gé begeattas (invenietis), 7, 7. Begæt invenit, 12, 43. Gif hé hine begytan ne mæge si eum invenire nequeat, Ll. Th. ii. 212, II. UNCERTAIN Begetna l begeten inventa. Mt. L. 13, 46. Bigetten, I. 18. Bigetna repertae, p. 17, 6. (4) to get, cause to be done:--ꝥ ǽlc gegilda gesinge án fíftig oþþe begite gesungen, Ll. Th. i. 236, 37. Þá mynsterclǽnsunge man begite, 340, 19. (5) to beget:--Hé bið mid synnum begylen and mid synnum ácenned and on synnum áfédd, Wlfst. 193, 4. [Goth. bi-gitan invenire: O. Sax. bi-getan to seize: O. H. Ger. pi-gezzan odipiscere.]

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