Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - be-hweorfan
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
(-hwurfan, -hwyrfan).
- be-hweorfan
- Substitute: I. to attend to, see to the good condition of:--Gif hé wáccor hý behwyrfð, þonne ꝥ hé him tó ágenum teleð, Ll. Th. i. 272, II. Þá leóhtfatu þe hé behwearf lam-pades quas reficiebat, Gr. D. 46, 31.Þæt manna gehwylc his ágen hús wel behweorfe, þæt is, þæt gehwá his heortan geclǽnsige, Wlfst. 280, II. Scipena behweorfan, Angl. ix. 261, 18. Mæssereáf wurðlíce behworfen, Ll. Th. ii. 250, 28: 252, 24: 350, 22. Godes cyrcan sýn wel behworfene, i. 246, 12. Ia. of funeral rites:--Mid myrran man behwyrfð deádra manna líc, Hml. Th. i. 116, 6. Ic his líc behwearf mid gewunelicre þénunge, Hml. S. 31, 1423: Hml. A. 79, 167. Hig mǽrlíce þæt líc behwurfon mid miclum wópe celebrantes exequias planctu magno, Gen. 50, 10. Þá wíf behwurfon hire líc oþ ꝥ heó bebyrged wæs, Hml. S. 10, 270. Ǽlc preósta æfter forðsíðe georne behweorfe and ne geþafige ǽnig unnit æt þám líce, Ll. Th. ii. 258, 12. Pilatus geþafode ðám ðegene (Joseph) þæt hé hine behwurfe. Hml. Th. ii. 260, 33. Hí móston his líc mid heora ðénungum behwurfan, i. 564, 13. Ib. of dressing animals intended for food:--Hig behwurfon þá fugelas siccaverunt coturnices, Num. II, 32. Gýme swán ꝥ hé æfter sticunge his slyhtswýn wel behweorfe (corrediet), Ll. Th. i. 436, 16. Þonne hé spic behworfen hæfð, 23. II. to treat, (l) an object:--Gif heora hwylc gýmeleáslíce mynstres þing behwyrfe si quis negligenter res monasterii tractaverit, R. Ben. 56, 12. (2) a person or matter:--Biscop ðe mihte behwyrfan ðá hálgan martiras mid sangum and Godes gerihtum, Hml. Th. ii. 312, 29. Þæt þám banan ne wearð hleahtre behworfen (turned out no laughing matter), An. 1705. III. to exercise, practise:--Begá (behwyrf) þé sylfne on þisum exerce temet ipsum in hoc, An. Th. 31, 37. [Goth, bi-hwairban: O. Sax. be-hwer-ꝥan: UNCERTAIN O. H. Ger. pi-hwerban.] be-hweorfan