
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - be-ládian

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: I. to excuse, absolve from an obligation, let off:--Ic ne beládige míne áteorigendlican ylde, Hml. S. 31, 1346. Hí bǽdon ðone bydel ðæt hé hí beládode. Hml. Th. ii. 374, 9. Beláda mé, 372 20: Lk. 14, 19. ꝥ ðú mé beládige habe me excusalum, 18, Nǽnig sý beládod fram þǽre kycenan þénunge, R. Ben. 58, 14. Ia reflex. (l) to beg off:--Ic ne beládige mé for ylde, Hml. Th. ii. 516, 27. Hé hine beládað, 374, 17. Hí hí beládiað, 372, 18. Þá ongunnon hig hig beládian coeperunt excusare, Lk. 14, 18. (a) with gen.:--Ne mæg eówer nán hyne láre beládian, Ll. Th. ii. 424, 24. (β) with (neg.) clause:--Nán man hine ne sceal beládian þæt hé Godes cyrcan ne geséce Hml. Th. ii. 444, 8. Hé for his wífe ne dearr hine sylfne beládian ðæt hé ne scule faran, Hex. 34, 21. (2) to offer as excuse:--ꝥ nán man ne ðorfte hine beládian, ꝥ hé fæt næfde that nobody need offer as excuse that he had not a vessel, Hml. A. 141, 83. II. where a person is charged with something, to excuse, exculpate:--Þæt hyra nán þurh nytennysse hine beládian ne mæge, R. Ben. 127, 10. Hú hí hí willen beládian on ðǽm miclan dóme, Past. 429, 4. (l) with gen.:--Heó eáþe mihte þæs forligeres unhlísan hí beládian. Hml. S. 2, 205. Ðára scylda hié wilniað ðæt hié scylen hié beladian, Past. 241, 2. (2) with (neg.) clause:-- Hé mæg hine ðý lǽs beládian ðæt hé næbbe wíte geearnod. inexcusabiliter merebitur supplicium, 347, 19. be-ladian