
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - be-sorgian

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


p. ode; pp. od To be sorry for, to care for, be anxious about, fear; curare :-- Gif ðú me lufodest, ðú hit besorgodest if thou lovedst me, thou wouldst be sorry for it, Apol. Th. 20, 27. He deáþ ne bisorgaþ he cares not for death, Exon. 61 a; Th. 223, 32; Ph. 368. Ðú hæfst gesúnd gehealden eall ðæt deórwyrðoste, ðætte ðú ðe besorgod hæfdest thou hast kept entire everything most precious, which thou wast anxious about, Bt. 10; Fox 28, 10. Ne bisorgaþ he synne to fremman he feareth not to perpetrate sin,Exon. 30 b; Th. 95, 12; Cri. 1556. be-sorgian