Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - be-windan
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- be-windan
- p. -wand, -wond, pl. -wundon; pp. -wunden; or bind around or about, entwine, wrap, enwrap, encircle, surround, wind, turn; amplecti, involvere, cingere, circumdare, volvere :-- Hí ísene næglas mid flexe bewundon they wound iron nails round with flax, Ors. 4, 1; Bos. 78, 8. Wæs bewunden was wound round, Andr. Kmbl. 38; An. 19. Wírum bewunden bound round with wires, Beo. Th. 2066; B. 1031. Iosep bewand hyne mid clǽnre scýtan Ioseph involvit illud in sindone munda, Mt. Bos. 27, 59 : Lk. Bos. 2, 7 : Bd. 3, 11; S. 536, 9. Geseah heó monnes líchoman mid scýtan bewundenne vidit corpus hominis sindone involutum, Bd. 4, 9; S. 576, 32. Wæs Cristes lof on fyrhþlocan bewunden Christ's praise was entwined within his breast, Andr. Kmbl. 116; An. 58 : Beo. Th. 6283; B. 3146. Bi-wunden entwined, Exon. 69 a; Th. 256, 20; Jul. 234. Sum gǽstes þearfe móde bewindeþ one wraps his spirit's need in his mind, 79 b; Th. 298, 18; Crä. 87 : Ps. Th. 102, 12. Wæs feorh æðelinges flǽsce bewunden the prince's soul was wrapped in flesh, Beo. Th. 4840; B. 2424. Mec mon folmum biwond, and mec ðá on þeóstre alegde biwundenne mid wonnum cláðum one with hands enwrapped me, and then laid me in darkness enwrapped in dusky clothes, Exon. 28 b; Th. 87, 9-12; Cri. 1422-1424. He wæs cláðum biwunden he was enwrapped with clothes, 18 b; Th. 45, 27; Cri. 725. Ðǽr is geat gylden wynnum be-wunden there is the golden gate encircled with joys, Cd. 227; Th. 305, 21; Sat. 650 : Beo. Th. 6097; B. 3052. He is wuldre biwunden he is encircled with glory, Exon. 65 b; Th. 241, 34; Ph. 666. Ða þreó wæter steápe stánbyrig streámum bewindaþ the three waters surround lofty cities of stone with their streams, Cd. 100; Th. 133, 18; Gen. 2212. Hwonne us líffreá tíre bewinde when the Lord of life may surround us with honour, Exon. 8 a; Th. 3, 1; Cri. 29. Ic eom bewunden mid wuldre I am surrounded with glory, 108 a; Th. 412, 18; Rä. 31, 2. He geseah Sennera feld sídne bewindan he saw Shinar's field wide winding, Cd. 205; Th. 253, 28; Dan. 602. Abraham bewand ða hleóðorcwydas on hige sínum Abraham turned the revelations in his mind, 107; Th. 140, 34; Gen. 2337. be-windan