Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - bodian
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- bodian
- Add: I. to declare, proclaim, make known :-- Ðá geleáfullan bodiað (bodigeað, be Gode ðæt sóð is ecclesta ore fidelium de Deo, quaeque vera sunt, testatur, Past. 367, 9. Sé . . . þe hé tówearde sægde and bodode, Bl. H. 9, 16. Weorþian wé Sancta Marian, for þon þe heó engla þreátas eádige bodedon, II, 12. Ne sceal hé nó ðæt án bodigan (-ean, v. l. ) his hiéremonnun. hú ðá synna him wiðwinnað, ac hé him sceal eác cýðan mid hwelcum cræftum hé him wiðstondan mæg non solum debent innotescere qualiter vitia impugnent, verum etiam quomodo custoditae nos virtutes roborent. Past. 163, 2. II. to announce what is coming :-- Fricca and forerynele her iernað beforan kyningum and bodigeað (bodiað, v. l.) hira færelt and hiera willan hlýdende, suá sculun ðá sácerdas nú faran hlýdende and bodiende beforan ðǽm egeslican déman ðe him æfter gǽd. Past. 91, 21-24. II a. to foretell, prophesy :-- Bodiendra wítedóma vaticinantium, prophetantium, An. Ox. 1524. III. to proclaim the excellence of, celebrate, praise (cf. bodigend-lic) :-- Hé hine swá orgellíce up áhðf and bodode, ðæs ꝥ hé úþwita wǽre. Bt. 18, 4; F. 66, 29. Agustinus wæs fram him eallum bodad and hered ab omnibus praedicatur Augustinus, Bd. 2, 2 ; Sch. 115, 14. III a. intrans. To boast about :-- Ic mid getote be mé bodude, R. Ben. 22, 17 note. IV. of religious or moral teaching, to preach, (1) a-person :-- Scyppend ealra gesceafta, þone ic bodige, Bl. H. 187, 9. (2) a doctrine, belief, & c. :-- Manige men þá godcundan láre gehýrað, and him mon þá oft bodaþ and sægþ, Bl. H. 57, 19. Ðá ðe swigiað ðæt hié ðá hálgan ǽ ne bodiað (bodigeað, 4) qui sacrae legis verba non loquuntur, Past. 365, 7. Birinus bodude West-Seaxum fulwuht, Chr. 634; P. 26, l. Felix bodade Eást-Englum Crístes geleáfan, 636; P. 26, 5. Ná ðæt án ðætte hé nán wóh ne bodige, ac eác ðæt hé ðæt ryht tó suíðe ne bodige ab eis non solum prava nullo modo, sed ne recta quidem nimie proferantur, Past. 95, 16. Rihtne crístendóm bodian, Wlfst. 175, 22. Suá huér suá bodad bið þis godspell, Mt, L. R. 26, 13: Bl. H. 69, 19. ꝥ hálige sǽd him of þæs láreówes múþe wæs bodad and sægd, 55, 30. (3) intrans. :-- Se Hǽlend þe hé embe bodade, Hml. S. 22, 53. Boda heom be þám Hǽlende, 21. v. be-bodian. bodian