
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - boh

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

l. bóh, and add: [a weak form bóga occurs, Wrt. Voc. i. 33, 16, and also weak forms of g. pl.] I. a shoulder of an animal :-- Boog armus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 100, 82. Bog armum, 7, 17. Ðone suíðran bógh, Past. 81, 19. Gif hors on hricge oððe on þám bógum áwyrd sý, Lch. i, 290, 10. Þegnas mǽton mílpaðas meára bógum, Exod. 171. II. bough of a tree, sprig, sprout of a plant :-- Bóg frondus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 151, 24. Bóh ramus, i. 80, 5. Bóga, 33, 16. Píntreówes bóh pini stipitem (.i. UNCERTAIN ramum), An. Ox. 2223. Bógas frondes, s. dicuntur quod ferant virgultas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 151, 8. Bóga stipitum, frondium, An. Ox. 3084: 7, 83. Bógana, 1557: 2457. Bógum comis vel ramis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 132, 12. Hyre (leechwort) stela byð mid geþúfum bógum, Lch. i. 248, 18. ꝥ óðer cyn (of southernwood) is greáton bógum and swýþe smælon leáfon, 250, 19. Wæs Aarones gyrd gemétt grówende mid bógum, Hml. Th. ii. 8, 15. Hit bið unnyt ðæt mon hwelces yfles bógas snǽde, buton mon wille ðá wyrtruman forceorfan, Past. 222, 15. Bógas wíngerdes propagines uitis, An. Ox. 2016: Hpt. Gl. 496, 76.

Palavras relacionadas: wín-geard-bóh. boh
