
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - brúcan

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: dat., acc. I. to use, (1) with concrete object :-- Hí welan habbaþ . . . and his ungemetlíce brúcað (indigne acta felicitas), Bt. 39, 11; F. 230, 23. Þú heora bruce, 7, 1; F. 16, 21. Hé his ágenes ungemetlíce breác, Past. 339, 2. Brúc ðínra ǽhta, ðá hwíle ðe ðú hál sý, Probonis male utens, Ors. 1, 3; S. 32, 8. Brúccendurn utentibus, Rtl. 98, 12. (1 a) to use clothes, wear :-- Hé wyllenia hrægla breác, Shrn. 93, 7: 94, 28. Gesáwon wé men deóra hýdum gegyrede, and nánes óðres brucon, Nar. 26, 15. Heó nǽfre línenum hræglum brúcan (uti) wolde, Bd. 4, 19; Sch. 443, 3. (1 b) to use food, eat or drink :-- Flǽscmettum ic brúce carnibus vescor, Coll. M. 34, 21: 35, 3. Ne brúco (brúcco, L.) ic non manducabo, Lk. R. 22, 16. Sé ðe ettað l búcað qui manducavit, L. 14, 15. Sé ðe brúceð qui manducat, Jn. L. 6, 57. Brúccað, 56. Eów þe ne wyrtum eówrum bútan mé brúcaþ (utimini), Coll. M. 28, 23. Gé eówerne beórscipe brúcaþ on unriht, Wlfst. 297, 30. Eówre fýnd his brúcað ab hostibus devorabitur, Lev. 26, 16. Huoelpas brúcas (edunt), Mt. L. 15, 27. Þǽ;ra (hláfa) ic breác, Hml. S. 23 b, 521. Wé brécon l éton manducavimus, Lk. L. 13, 26: Mk. L. 6, 44. Þǽ;ra éwena meolc gé brucon ovium lacte fructi estis, Ll. Th. ii. 202, 23. Ett l brúc manduca, Jn. L. R. 4, 31. Brúce (brýce, R.) comede, Lk. L. 12, 19. Him weaxað untrumnyssa, þæt hé ne mæg ǽtes oððe wǽtes brúcan, Hml. Th. i. 66, 9. Brúcan his estmettas, 330, 15. Brúca (brúcca, R.) manducare, Mk. 3, 20. (1 c) to use a person (of cohabitation) :-- Þonne mǽden weres brícð, þonne bið hire mægðhád ádýlegod . . . Maria weres ne breác, Hml. Th. ii. 10, 6, 11. His módor is mǽden, and his fæder wífes ne breác, Hml. S. 7, 50. (2) with abstract object :-- Breác hé ealdre hǽ;lsunge uetere usus augurio, Bd. 1. 25 ; Sch. 53, 25. Þæs gemánan heó was twelf winter brúcende (brýcende, v. l.), 4, 19; Sch. 440, 10. II. to possess what may cause pleasure, profit, &c., to enjoy:-- Nán eówer blisse brýcþ nemo vestrum gaudio fruitur, Coll. M. 28, 9. Þæt ꝥ hé gesǽ;llíce brýcþ, hé ondrǽ;t ꝥ hé scyle forlǽ;tan, Bt. 11, 1; F. 32, 15. Hé brécð perfruetur (abundantia), Kent. Gl. 16. Ne breác hé his cyneríces mid gesundfulnysse, Hml. Th. i. 84, 33. Farað gé teala and his (the horse) wel brúcað (may the horse be of service to you), Gr. D. 15, 22. Ealra manna brúce gé betst ǽ;gþres ge penega ge hláfa, Hml. S. 23, 583. Þeáh þú wífes brúce and blysse on lífe, 2, 161. Brúce hé his gódes dǽl. Ll. Th. ii. 176, 23. Bruce potiretur, An. Ox. 3757. Seó sáwl mót brúcan þæs heofenlican coelo fruens, Bt. 18, 4; F. 68, 17 : 24, 2 ; F. 82, 16 : Bl. H. 39, 24. Seó sǽ mót brúcan smyltra ýþa, Bt. 7, 3; F. 20, 23. III. to perform the duties of an office, execute an office :-- Zacharias his sácerdes hádes breác he executed the priest's office, Lk. 1, 8. Hí brucon sácerdhádes functi sunt sacerdotio, Num. 3, 4, Brúcan ðǽre hirdelican áre honore pastorali uti, Past. 133, 3. Þá hé bisceopðegnunge brúcende wæs cum episcopatus officio fungeretur, Bd. 3, 23; Sch. 299, 1. Þá brúcende fungentes, i. utentes (monachica professione), An. Ox. 3766. v. á-, be-brúcan ; gást-brúcende. brucan

Palavras relacionadas: K. 52. Swá hwæt swá ús God sylle máre þonne wé néde brúcan sceolan, Bl. H. 53, 15. Ne mihte nánwuht libbendes ðǽre eorþan brúcan, ne þæs wæteres, Bt. 33, 4; F. 130, 9. Úre æfter his bebodum tó brúcanne, 7, 5 ; F. 24, 9. Wæs þæt folc þæs micclan welan ungemetlíce brúcende
