
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - cnut

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


m. Cnut was the Danish king of England for twenty-one years, from A. D. 1014-1035 :-- Hér, on ðissum geáre, Swegen ge-endode his dagas to Candelmæssan iii n UNCERTAIN Feb'. And se flota ðá eal gecurón Cnut to cyninge here, in this year, A. D. 1014, Sweyn ended his days at Candlemas, on the 3rd of the Nones of February [Feb. 3rd]. And then all the fleet chose Cnut for king, Chr. 1014; Erl. 150, 20-22. Hér forþférde Cnut cing, on ii Id' Novemb' æt Sceftes byrig, and hine man ferode ðánon to Winceastre, and hine ðǽr bebyrigde here departed king Cnut, on the 2nd of the Ides of November [= Nov. 12] at Shaftesbury, and they bore him thence to Winchester, and buried him there, 1035; Erl. 164, 17-19. Hér man drǽfde út Ælfgife, Cnutes cynges láfe, seó wæs Hardacnutes cynges módor here, A. D. 1037, they drove out Ælfgifu, widow of king Cnut, who was mother of king Hardacnut, 1037; Erl. 167, 1. [Knúta, os, ossis. Leggja mót wið marga prúða knútu cum multis splendidis [nitidis] artubus congredi, Hh. 83, 1. i. e. cum multis militibus, prædæ destinatis. Raskius, F. vi. 403, pro nom. propr. accipit, a Knútr, aut de principibus virls aut bellaloribus, Egils.] cnut