Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - déman
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- déman
- Add: I. to judge. (1) absolute:--Ic déme (doemo, L.) swá swá ic gehýre sicut audio judico, Jn. 5, 30. Gif ic déme (doemu, R.) mín dóm is sóð, 8, 16. 'Mé þynceþ unscyldiglicre ꝥ him man heáfod of áceorfe.' Þá cwæþ Neron: 'On ðá betstan wísan þú démest,' Bl. H. 189, 35. Yfele geréfan þá þe on wóh démaþ, 61, 26. Déme gé swá swá gé willon ꝥ eów sý gedémed, 28. (2) to judge a person, (a) with dat.:--Ic ne déme (doemo, L., doemu, R.) nánum men, Jn. 8, 15. Se mon þe démeþ þǽm earmum búton mildheortnesse, Bl. H. 95, 35. Ic démde twelf þeódum, 155, 29. Hé gecýðde ðæt hé him déman nolde, ðá hé gedyde dæt hí him selfe démdan . . . eft hit wæs gecweden: 'Ðǽr wé ús selfum démden, ðonne ne démde ús nó God' constat quod a suo judicio abscondere voluit quos sibimetipsis judices fecit . . . Hinc dicitur: 'Si nosmetipsos dijudicaremus, non judicaremur,' Past. 415, 3-8. Samuel and Daniel cildgeonge forealdedum mæssepreóstum démdon (judicaverant), R. Ben. 115, 8. Dém folcum judica populos, Ps. Th. 7, 8. Hé him symle rihle déme, Bl. H. 43, 11. (b) with acc.:--Þú hí on rihtum rǽdum démest judicas populos in aequitate, Ps. Th. 66, 4. Hé démeð fyrhte þearfan judicabit pauperes, 71, 4. Hié gescyldaþ þá unscyldigan, and þá scyldigan þearlwíslíce démaþ, Bl. H. 63, 20. Dém þú þín folc, Ps. Th. 71, 2. (3) to judge a cause, crime:--Dém þíne ealde intingan judica causam tuam, Ps. Th. 73, 21. Ðonne hié ðá scylda on him selfum démen and wrecæn cum culpas se judice puniat, Past. 151, 17. (4) where the matter of judgement is given:--Ic sóð symble déme ego justitiam judicabo, Ps. Th. 74, 2. Hé riht folcum démeð, 95, 10. Démað ǽlcon men riht quod justum est judicate, Deut. 1, 16. (4 a) with cognate acc.:--Hié démaþ heora dómas they give their judgements, Bl. H. 63, 18. Sé þe þá gebregdnan dómas démde, 99, 32. Dém mínne dóm judica judicium meum, Ps. Th. 118, 154. Démað steóp-cildum dómas sóðe judica pupillo, 81, 3. (5) to sentence a person to punishment:--Dém þú hí tó deáþe, Jul. 87. Nó hý hine tó deáþe déman móston, Gú. 521. Deáþe déman, El. 303. (6) to adjudge, assign reward, punishment, &c., to a person:--Hé eallum démeð leán æfter ryhte, Cri. 846. On swá hwæðere hond Dryhten mǽrðo déme swá him gemet þince, B. 687. Hwæt mé God déman wille, Sat. 109: Cri. 803: Jul. 707: An. 75. (7) to settle, appoint, decree:--Heora scriftbéc tǽcan swá swá hié úre fæderas démdon, Bl. H. 43, 9. God wolde hyra nýdwræce déman God would decree their exile, Gú. 526. (7 a) of decision by lot:--Heora ǽlcum his dǽl, swá him démde seó tá, Hml. Th. ii. 254, 31. Hleótan man mót . . . ꝥ him déme seó tá, gif hí hwæt dǽlan willað, Hml. S. 17, 86. II. to deem, think, suppose:--Doemo ic arbitror, Jn. L. 21, 25. Doema censeo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 103, 58. Ne démeð hé non retur, 61, 57. III. to estimate, value:--[Swá] þearle hé démde tantopere (i. tam valde) taxauerat (i. iudicauerat), An. Ox. 2014. IV. to proclaim something noble, celebrate:--Hí eahtodon eorlscipe and his ellenweorc démdon, swá hit gedéfe bið þæt mon his dryhten wordum herge, B. 3175. Is árlic þæt wé ǽfæstra dǽde démen, secgen Dryhtne lof, Gú. 498: Sat. 299. Hié Dryhtnes ǽ déman sceoldon, reccan fore rincum, Ap. 10: An. 1196: 1405. Wé þæt hýrdon hæleð eahtian, déman dǽdhwate, þætte gelamp, Jul. 2. Déman, meldan, Rä. 29, 11. deman