Deófol-lic (deóf-)
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - deófol-lic (deóf-)
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- deófol-lic (deóf-)
- adj. Take here examples under deóf-lic in Dict., and add: I. of the (a) devil:--Se freódóm ðæs deófollican onwaldes freedom from the power of the devil, Bl. H. 137, 13. Dióflices fanaticae (lustrationis), An. Ox. 2058. Deóuolicre, 7, 125. Deóflices galdres necromantiae, i. demonum invocations, 1927. On þám deófollican (deóflican, ) tíman in Antechrist's time, Wlfst. 86, 4. Tó deófollicum hǽðenscype to the worship of the devil, Hml. S. 17, 48. Deóflicere æfgælþe fanatica superstitione, An. Ox. 3232. Deófelicum (deóff-, Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 65) geférscipe demonico globo, Wülck. Gl. 218, 42. Diówlica onerninge diabolica incursione, Rtl. 36, 1. His weorc syndon deófollicu his works are of the devil, Bl. H. 177, 1. Hé ne ondréd heora deófellican híw, Hml. Th. ii. 512, 21. II. of other than spirits, like the (a) devil, devilish, diabolical, evil, cruel:--Mennisclic is ðæt mon on his móde costunga ðrowige . . . ac ðæt is deófullic ðæt hé ðone willan ðurhteó, Past. 71, 14. Hí sendon tó Domiciane þám deófellican (deóflican, v. l.) cásere, Hml. S. 29, 190. Mid wealhr(e)ówre, deóflicere mihte tyrannica potestate, An. Ox. 1157. Þone deófollicon abbod þe cwæð ꝥ úres Drihtenes líchama and his godcundnes wǽre ánes gecyndes, Ll. Th. ii. 374, 23. Ðæne deófollican unðeáw . . . gedón ꝥ óðre men nimaí máre ðonne hit gemet sý, Hml. A. 145, 22. Tó deóflicum weorcum, Angl. xi. 112, 19. Wíð þás egeslican and þás deófollican coðe, þæt is wið þás hellican unþeáwas, Wlfst. 245, 21: Angl. viii. 337, 7. Wyrto yfelwyrcendo and dióublica (diabolicas), Rtl. 103, 1. [v. N. E. D. devilly; adj. O. H. Ger. tiufal-líh diabolicus: Icel. djöful-ligr.] deofol-lic deof-