Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - eádig
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- eádig
- Add: I. blessed, happy :-- Eádig is heora (the Innocents) yld ... eádige sind þá innoþas þe hí gebǽron, Hml. Th. i. 84, 2, 15. Sé þe gód biþ, sé biþ gesǽlig, and sé þe gesǽlig biþ, sé biþ eádig, Bt. 36, 6; F. 182, 13. Ðis wæs sóðlíce eádig wer uere beatus vir, Bl. H. 223, 31. Mid eádire forestihtunge beata praedestinatione, An. Ox. 1488. Þone eádegan hlísan fau(s)tam famam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 16: 37, 31. Mé eádige cwǽdon ealle cneórisna, Bl. H. 7, 4. Eádige (beati) synt þá gástlican þearfan, Mt. 5, 3, ... 11. Se Hǽlend sægde þurh hwæt seó sául eádegust gewurde, Bl. H. 159, 28. Ꝥ ic sý seó eádgoste fǽmne, 6. Eádgeste, 13, 15. I a. as epithet of a sainted person, or of the memory of such :-- Se eádiga Jóhannes, Bl. H. 141, 17. Se eádiga Michael, 30. Se eádiga engel Micahel, 201, 32. Se eádga Petrus, 153, 24. Se eádiga apostol Sanctus Petrus, 179, 24. Se eádiga Petrus se apostol, Chr. 35; P. 6, 15. Seó eádige Maria, Bl. H. 11, 14. Seó eádige fǽmne Sancta Maria, 9, 18. Þæs eádigan weres Sancte Martines, 211, 14. Be þǽre his (St. Michael) eádgan gemynde, 197, 5. I b. as epithet of a special season :-- On þám eádgan dæge ... Pentecostenes dæg, Chr. 973; P. 118, 10. II. rich, opulent, prosperous :-- Ꝥ ǽlc man sý folcrihtes wyrðe, ge earm ge eádig, Ll. Th. i. 266, 4. Eallum gemǽne, earmum and eádigum, Hml. Th. i. 64, 33. On óðre wísan mon sceal manian earme, on óðre eádige (locupletes = ðá welegan divites, 181, 3), Past. 175, 14. Þætte þonan ðe hí teohhiaþ ꝥ hí scylan eádigran weorþan, ꝥ hi weorþaþ ðonan earmran and eargran nom quae sufficientes sibi facere putabantur opes, alieno praesidio faciunt indigentes, Bt. 26, 2; F. 92, 27. II a. of rank, or position, great, cf. ríce :-- Wæs gesamnad eádigra geþeahtendlic ymcyme: þǽr wæs Birhtwald Bretone heáhbisceop, and se ǽrnemda cyning; eác þan Hrófceastre bisceop andweard waes; and cwæð ǽlc hád ciricean þǽré mǽgðe ánmódlíce mid þý hérsuman folcy. Ðǽr þá eádigan fundon þás dómas, Ll. Th. I. 36, 7-12.