Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - earc
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
- earc
- f. Add; arc, es; m. I. a chest:--Hú seó earc (arca) wæs áworpen of Æquities byrigene . . . Sum ceorl ásette his earce mid hwǽte gefyllede ofer his byrgenne . . . þoden feorr áwearp þá earce, Gr. D. 41, 23-42, 6. II. the ark of Noah. in Dict.:-- Hú wæs Nóes arc (earc, v. l.) gesceapen? Se arc (earc, v. l.) wæs fyðerscýte, Angl. vii. 34, 322. Se swymmenda arc, Hml. Th. ii. 60, 2, 9. God beleác hí bynnan þám arce. . . . Ðæt flód ábær úp þone arc, i. 22, 1-5: 20, 31. Sé wæs geboren in þǽre earce, Chr. 855; P. 66, 28. In ðá arkǽ (ærce, L.) in arcam, Mt. R. 24, 38. In ærce (erce, R.), Lk. L. 17, 27. III. the ark of the covenant:--Dryhten bebeád Móyse hú hé scolde beran ðá earce . . . 'Áhóh hringas on ðá hyrnan ðǽre earce . . . and sting stengas út þurh ðá hringas bí ðǽre earce sídan . . .' Hwæt mæg seó earc tácnian?, Past. 169, 19-171, 2. Ðerh aerca cýðnisse per arcam testamenti, Mt. p. 8, 6. Ðá aerce, Rtl. 194, 15. earc