
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - eást

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:


m. Substitute: eást; ad I. marking direction, (1) of movement:--Hér fór se here eást, Chr. 891; P. 82, 16. Swegen gewende eást tó Baldewines lande, 1046; P. 171, 2. Hé is eást irnende (orientem versus), Ors. 1, 1; S. 12, 26, 22: Lch. iii. 74, 13. (2) of measurement (of a road, boundary, &c.):--Þæs hagan gemǽre líð eást on þone ealdan welig . . . eást and-langes þǽre ceápstrǽte, C. D. B. ii. 305, 22-26. (3) of looking:--Wend þín heáfod eást, Lch. iii. 154, 25. Þæt hé ymbsáwe súð, eást, and west, Met. 10, 5. II. of relative position, east, to the east, in the east:--Þá beorgas onginnað westane . . . and endiað eft eást in Dalmatia, Ors. 1, 1; S. 22, 21. Rufinus wolde habban þone anwold þǽr eást, and Stileca wolde sellan his suna þisne hér west, 6, 37; S. 296, 6. Eást mid Crécum, Met. 30, 1. Secga sitlu súð, eást, and west, 9, 42: 14, 7. v. norþ-, súþ-eást; cf. west; adv. east

Palavras relacionadas: East, to the east; dele first passage, and add:
