
Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - elcor

De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:

Add: else:--Ælcor (ellicor, ) alias, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 239, 2. I. besides:--Ic genom mid mec þreó þúsendo and forlét míne fyrd elcor (the rest of the army) in Fasiacen, Nar. 26, 5. Næs náht elcor (nóht elles, nán þing elles) tó ealles geáres andlyfne búton ꝥ án (nihil aliud . . . nisi . . .), Gr. D. 57, 2: 290, 21. II. otherwise, in another way:--Gif nasu þyrel weorð . . . Gif nasu ælcor sceard weorð, Ll. Th. i. 14 13. Gif mé seó godcunde gyfu forgyfan wile . . . ; gif hit hwæt ælcor (elcor, elles, v. ll.) bið, ic eft hweorfe (sin alias reuertar), Bd. 4, 28; Sch. 519, 7. Hé ne mihte elcor gewearmigan búton æt fýre, Nar. 18, 15. Hí ne magon elcor beón búton mínre gemynde geendebyrded non sine magna cura ordinata, 3, 15. Hú mæg ꝥ beón ylcor (elles, v. l.) ongyten búton . . . quid sentiri aliud potest, nisi . . . , Gr. D. 315, 1. III. as an alternative, as a substitute:--Wyrc tó duste oþþe elcor gníd on wín, Lch. i. 368, 15. Þá þe wé ne magon ongytan in þám god-cundan dóme wé sculan ús þe má ondrǽdan þonne elcor reccan (timeremagis quam discutere debemus), Gr. D. 301, 12. IV. if not, under other conditions, on another supposition:--Gif hé bið cealdre gecyndo, þonne cymð æfter feówertigum; elcor cymð æfter fíftigum wintra, Lch. ii. 284, 21. Þæt weorc byþ of þǽre gife geseald, nalles seó gifu of þám weorce, elcor (elles, v. l., alioquin) ne byþ seó gifu Godes gifu, Gr. D. 33, 5: 274, 16. Elcor si quo minus (v. Jn. 14, 2), Wrt. Voc. ii. 74, 20. IV a. after a negative clause, if so:--Behaldeþ ꝥ gé eówre sóþfestnisse ne dóan fore monnum . . . elles l elcur (alioquin = elcor elioquin, Wrt. Voc. ii. 72, 20: 30, 63) gé ne habbaþ leán, Mt. R. 6, 1. Ne menn geótaþ wín neówe in wínbelgas alde; elcur l elles (alioquin) tóbersteþ þá belgas ealde, 9, 17. Elcur nú, Lk. L. 5, 36, 37. V. elsewhere:--Seó fǽmne gá on mynster oððe ælcor on hire clǽnnysse hig healde eat puella in monasterium, vel alibi in castitate se contineat, Ll. Th. ii. 148, 4. v. ælcor in Dict., and elcra; elles. elcor

Palavras relacionadas: l.
