Dicionário Anglo-Saxónico de Inglês Antigo de Bosworth & Toller - engel
De acordo com o Dicionário de Inglês Antigo:
ængel, angel, engyl;
- gen. engles; dat. engle; pl. nom. acc. englas, engel; gen. engla; dat. englum; m. An ANGEL, a messenger; angelus = GREEK :-- Se engel him to cwæþ dixit illis angĕlus, Lk. Bos. 2, 10: 1, 13 : Mt. Bos. 28, 5 : Gen. 22, 12. Godes engel stód on emn hí the angel of God stood before them, Homl. Th. i. 30, 15, 17: Mt. Bos. 1, 20, 24: Jn. Bos. 5, 4. Ðæt mæg engel ðín eáþ geferan that thine angel may more easily travel. Andr. Kmbl. 387; An. 194. Þurh ðæs engles word through the angel's word, Exon. 20a; Th. 51, 31; Cri. 824: 34b; Th. 110, 11; Gú. 106: Salm. Kmbl. 901; Sal. 450: Homl. Th. i. 30, 22. He ðam engle oncwæþ he spake to the angel, Cd. 141; Th. 176, 12 ; Gen. 2910: Lk. Bos. 2, 13. God sent his engel befóran ðé Dómĭnus mittet angĕlum suum córam te, Gen. 24, 7: 16, 7. Máran cýððe habbaþ englas to Gode ðonne men angels are more like God than men. Homl. Th. i. 10, 3. Englas bláwaþ býman angels shall blow the trumpet, Exon. 20b; Th. 55, 9; Cri. 881: 14a; Th. 28, 17; Cri. 448. Cómon twegen englas venērunt duo angĕli, Gen. 19, 1, 12, 15. Be-heóldon ðæt [MS. ðær] engel Dryhtnes ealle all the angels of the Lord beheld it, Rood Kmbl. 18; Kr. 9. Hér sindon nigon engla werod here are nine hosts of angels, Homl. Th. i. 10, 14: 12, 8 : Elen. Kmbl. 2559; El. 1281. Engla ríce the kingdom of angels, 2460; El. 1231. Engla beorhtast brightest of angels, Exon. 9b; Th. 7, 21; Cri. 104. Gif ðú in heofonríce habban wille eard mid englum if thou wilt have in heaven's realm a dwelling with angels, Elen. Kmbl. 1240; El. 622: Andr. Kmbl. 1197; An. 599: 3440; An. 1724. Mid hys englum cum angelis suis, Mt. Bos. 16, 27. Englas God worhte, ða sind gástas, and nabbaþ nǽnne líchaman God created angels, which are spirits, and have no body, Homl. Th. i. 276, 1. Mannes sunu sent his englas mittet fīlius hŏmĭnis angĕlos suos. Mt. Bos. 13, 41: Mk. Bos. 13, 27. [Wyc. aungel: Chauc. aungel: Laym. engles, pl: Orm. enngell: O. Sax. engil, m: Frs. ingel: O. Frs. angel, angl, engel, m: Dut. Ger. M. H. Ger. engel, m: O. H. Ger. engil, m: Goth. aggilus, m: Dan. engel, m. f: Swed. engel, m: Icel. engill, m: Lat. angĕlus, m: Grk. GREEK, m. f. a messenger, angel.] DER. heáh-engel, heofon-, up-. engel